Sheeple Gym Clothes Ettiquette

Look Good At The Gym - AskMen

Heh heh. Didn’t know there were rules for this too.

What a cheesy article. This line did it for me: “Other neat accessories are zippers, buttons and different pockets.” Sorry, but I don’t need any neato accessories. I think Richard Simmons wrote that article. Or someone with similarly low testosterone levels.

gag vomit there, i feel better. if that was on ‘the onion’ i would have laughed… but now i am scared.

I especially liked the part where the article said, “Let’s face it, you’re going to the gym to pump iron…” Whoever puts that much thought into their gym gear is not “pumping iron”. They’re sticking pins into weight stacks and trying to keep in rhythm in the “cardio pump” classes. “Ask Men” get’s my vote for fag mag o’ the week.

So, I suppose my “I Learned From Lesbians” T-shirt isn’t going to fly, huh?

I’ve read articles on that site before and some are pretty good, but I think I’m never going to again after that little stint on looking good at the gym. Maybe t-mag should write one about how blood and sweat make you look good.

At my old gym, all the bars and weights were rusty so if you walked in there in decent clothes, you were either a) a newbie b) stupid or c) weren’t there to lift. The roof would leak and people would slip walking from the bench to the squat cages. Oh, I liked that ol’ place!

Geez, do we need that many rules? Howzabout: “make sure there’s no holes that make your privates public, volume of fabric must be inversely proportionate to body fat percentage, but all bets are off when it’s the middle of the summer, 90 degrees and 427% humidity, and the gym owner doesn’t have the air off 'cause he can’t afford to run up the power bill. Oh, and no pink clothes on guys.” There, I think I covered it all.

Hey, at least they told readers to leave their cell phones in their locker!

A quick look at the calender… it´s October not first of April…hmm… the URL looks real.
Oh no it´s not a joke !
Some people read this and my guess is that there is even some who follows the advises given. If it helps them to get stronger so I´m all for it !
To T-mag staff: Think about this when you design your next t-shirt "Just remember that a great way to look stylish is to match and combine the right colors, which of course, should be kept to a minimum. Now get your stylish butt to the gym! "

i disagree, it’s a little wordy and fruity, but if you think about it I would like to see these rules followed that they mentioned.

  1. no baggies. no rag tops. Unless you compete as a bodybuilder.
  2. no string tank tops
  3. no white tshirts with yellow pits
    and the other rules if you want to look decent also make sense
    -wear simple colors and clothes that fit right.

I lift heavy weights. But these tips aren’t too off the wall.

people who are that worried about style in the gym do not even need to be reading this magazine. obviously if you care that much about style you are in the gym for the wrong reason. when i go to workout i dont give a fuck what others think about me. i just concentrate on my workout.

Don’t forget too, no white after labor day! Make sure those T-shirts are DARK colored!