Appreciate it Trent. I am trying.
Nice job on that bike ride Shane. Awesome pace for an hour long ride!
Thanks Trent!
Push Light
Weight 262
LF Incline
30 x 45 per side
20 x 70
20 x 70
Cable Laterals
30 x 7.5 per side
30 x 10
30 x 12.5
Rope tricep
20 x 37.5
20 x 42.5
20 x 47.5
16 x 52.5
Drop sets back to 12.5
Ab crunch machine
40 x max
40 x max
40 x max
Pec deck
20 x 205
20 x 205
20 x 205
Push ups (100)
50 minutes
Way to get after it today Shane! I love how you finished with the 100 push-ups. Chest and tris going to be feeling that one!
Thanks Trent. The push ups were a nice way to finish it off. I enjoyed todays workout a lot.
Weight 260.4
10 minutes cool down ride
That’s it. Chest is sore from all those push ups.
Pull Light
Weight 259.4
Bicep warm ups
Cable curls x 50 reps
Smith Rows mid OH Grip
20 x 135
20 x 165
20 x 195
Smith Shrugs behind back
20 x 225
20 x 250
20 x 275
Ab crunch
40 x max
50 x max
60 x max
Fixed lat pulls
16 x 160
20 x 145
18 x 145
Face pulls low to high 100 reps x 42.5
Rear delt cables
30 x 15 x 3
Rope Hammer Curls
Amrap x 35
60 minutes
Nice looking pull session Shane. That was very pull light of you. Sorry couldn’t help it… That seems like a lot of weight on Smith rows, at least at that rep range.
Good work on the bike ride too!
Thanks Trent!
I really like the smith rows. They are an easy exercise to really dial in form and target your back easily.
Weight 259 work Thanksgiving Lunch
Bike 10minutes
Leg press
20 x 150
20 x 170
20 x 190
Hip Abduction
20 x 265
20 x 280
20 x 295
Hip Adduction
20 x 265
20 x 280
20 x 295
5 x bar
5 x 95
5 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225
1 x 255
3 x 275
Single leg KB RDL/Side bends
15 x 45 per leg x 3/25 x 45 x 3
BW x 15, 20,30
Seated calf raises
25 x 165
25 x 205
15 x 235
60 minutes
Haven’t done side bends in awhile. My obliques might actually hurt tomorrow. LoL
Heck of a session Shane! A boat load of good leg work in there. Nice and heavy on squats too. Trying to wrap my head around SL KB RDL Side bends. All I can think of is that it would hurt like hell. Jealous of the work Thanksgiving lunch. Just finished my weenie Chick Fil A salad. Such is life for skinny people who work alone.
LoL. Thanks Trent.
The SL KB RDL is a stiff leg, kettlebell rdl, done single leg at a time. More of a balance issue and stretch for the hamstrings.
The KB Side bends is just hold the KB and work your abs by doing a side bend. I just super setted them.
Chikfila salads are nothing to feel bad about. I love those things!
Great job on that bike ride. Excellent pace! Glad the dawgs keep winning for you. I have a soft spot for the Vols as that was my old roommate/best friend’s favorite team, but I have no connection to them other than that. Either way, I’m glad one of us is pulling for a team that is kicking ass. I was leaning on the Tarheels pretty heavily as the Panthers have been crashing down to the pits of hell but even the heels have had their struggles lately.
Thanks Trent. Yeah as a fan of UGA I am definitely living through some amazing days for UGA football right now. I have lived through a lot of heartache too though.
I thought UNC was going to have a better year. They started off strong!
Push Light
Weight 258
Nautilus chest press
20 x 45 per side
20 x 70
20 x 90
20 x 90
Cable Laterals
30 x 10
30 x 12.5
30 x 15 stay here
Rope tricep
20 x 50
20 x 65
13 x 72.5
Drop sets to failure
Pec deck
20 x 215
20 x 215
20 x 215
Ab crunch machine/Push-ups (100)
As many sets as needed
25 x max/20
25 x max/20
25 x max/16
25 x max/15
25 x max/15
25 x max/14
45 minutes
That’s it. Enjoying these higher rep lower weight sessions. Not feeling as beat up, so that is a win.
Awesome session today Shane! I particularly like the rope tricep extensions to failure. Just a ton of work in this one. Way to get it done!
Thanks Trent. Yeah taking those tricep ropes to failure will definitely light your triceps up!