Shane's Over 35 Shenanigans

Appreciate it Trent. I am trying. :sunglasses:

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Sunday Cardio
Weight 261



Nice job on that bike ride Shane. Awesome pace for an hour long ride!

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Thanks Trent!

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Push Light

Weight 262

LF Incline

30 x 45 per side

20 x 70

20 x 70

Cable Laterals

30 x 7.5 per side

30 x 10

30 x 12.5

Rope tricep

20 x 37.5

20 x 42.5

20 x 47.5

16 x 52.5

Drop sets back to 12.5

Ab crunch machine

40 x max

40 x max

40 x max

Pec deck

20 x 205

20 x 205

20 x 205

Push ups (100)







50 minutes


Way to get after it today Shane! I love how you finished with the 100 push-ups. Chest and tris going to be feeling that one!

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Thanks Trent. The push ups were a nice way to finish it off. I enjoyed todays workout a lot. :slight_smile:

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Weight 260.4

10 minutes cool down ride

That’s it. Chest is sore from all those push ups.


Pull Light

Weight 259.4

Bicep warm ups

Cable curls x 50 reps

Smith Rows mid OH Grip

20 x 135

20 x 165

20 x 195

Smith Shrugs behind back

20 x 225

20 x 250

20 x 275

Ab crunch

40 x max

50 x max

60 x max

Fixed lat pulls

16 x 160

20 x 145

18 x 145

Face pulls low to high 100 reps x 42.5




Rear delt cables

30 x 15 x 3

Rope Hammer Curls

Amrap x 35


60 minutes


Nice looking pull session Shane. That was very pull light of you. :joy: Sorry couldn’t help it… That seems like a lot of weight on Smith rows, at least at that rep range.

Good work on the bike ride too!

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Thanks Trent! :joy:

I really like the smith rows. They are an easy exercise to really dial in form and target your back easily.

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Weight 259 work Thanksgiving Lunch

Bike 10minutes

Leg press

20 x 150

20 x 170

20 x 190

Hip Abduction

20 x 265

20 x 280

20 x 295

Hip Adduction

20 x 265

20 x 280

20 x 295


5 x bar

5 x 95

5 x 135

5 x 185

3 x 225

1 x 255

3 x 275

Single leg KB RDL/Side bends

15 x 45 per leg x 3/25 x 45 x 3


BW x 15, 20,30

Seated calf raises

25 x 165

25 x 205

15 x 235

60 minutes

Haven’t done side bends in awhile. My obliques might actually hurt tomorrow. LoL


Heck of a session Shane! A boat load of good leg work in there. Nice and heavy on squats too. Trying to wrap my head around SL KB RDL Side bends. All I can think of is that it would hurt like hell. :joy: Jealous of the work Thanksgiving lunch. Just finished my weenie Chick Fil A salad. Such is life for skinny people who work alone. :yum:

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LoL. Thanks Trent.

The SL KB RDL is a stiff leg, kettlebell rdl, done single leg at a time. More of a balance issue and stretch for the hamstrings.

The KB Side bends is just hold the KB and work your abs by doing a side bend. I just super setted them.

Chikfila salads are nothing to feel bad about. I love those things!

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Sunday Cardio
Weight 259

Also, there are few teams I enjoy beating more than Tennessee. Go Dawgs!


Great job on that bike ride. Excellent pace! Glad the dawgs keep winning for you. I have a soft spot for the Vols as that was my old roommate/best friend’s favorite team, but I have no connection to them other than that. Either way, I’m glad one of us is pulling for a team that is kicking ass. :sunglasses: I was leaning on the Tarheels pretty heavily as the Panthers have been crashing down to the pits of hell but even the heels have had their struggles lately.

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Thanks Trent. Yeah as a fan of UGA I am definitely living through some amazing days for UGA football right now. I have lived through a lot of heartache too though.

I thought UNC was going to have a better year. They started off strong!

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Push Light

Weight 258

Nautilus chest press

20 x 45 per side

20 x 70

20 x 90

20 x 90

Cable Laterals

30 x 10

30 x 12.5

30 x 15 stay here

Rope tricep

20 x 50

20 x 65

13 x 72.5

Drop sets to failure

Pec deck

20 x 215

20 x 215

20 x 215

Ab crunch machine/Push-ups (100)

As many sets as needed

25 x max/20

25 x max/20

25 x max/16

25 x max/15

25 x max/15

25 x max/14

45 minutes

That’s it. Enjoying these higher rep lower weight sessions. Not feeling as beat up, so that is a win.


Awesome session today Shane! I particularly like the rope tricep extensions to failure. Just a ton of work in this one. Way to get it done!

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Thanks Trent. Yeah taking those tricep ropes to failure will definitely light your triceps up!

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