Hello Shadow, Im a men physique competitor from chile. i just competed in the olympia amateur LA in acapulco an placed in the top 6. not bad for my first international competition.
I firmly believe in MAG-10 protein efectiveness, and tomorrow i will recieve 3 bottles of Plazma, in order to follow your proposed protocols, so im very exited!!
I read all the 45 pages of your post many times, and i think you are a genius! congrats!and thank you for answering all the questions!!
here are some doubts i still have, hopefully you can answer them too, and sorry about my english, but my native language is spanish!:S
anyway, here they are:
1- Does sleep schedule matters for CNS recovery and overall progress? for example: is sleeping every night from 3AM to 11AM worse than sleeping from 11PM to 7AM?
(provided you still get 8 hrs quality sleep, is the time of the day revelant?)
2- When on cycle, sometimes it is dificult to some people to fall asleep, even with 4 caps of Z12 (me for example). if that happens, is it better to try a very very low dose of quetiapine (6mg for example which i found is extremely effective) or low dose benzo(i know it is addictive) in order to get the rest/sleep needed, or is it better to sleep bad for days without these drugs?
3- Is injectable winstrol effective even if you drink it, instead of injecting it?(due to post injection pain) i know it is an old question but no pro has really given a good answer about this. it would be nice that you clarify it once and for all.
4- what do you think of Semi fasted (MAG-10 only) incline walk? is it more effective in a fat burning protocol than having breakfast, train, and then do the walk? i know you recommend doing the conditioning anytime, but is there an advantage in the above protocol or not?
5- Whats your opinion on consuming fats and carbs in the same meal? some say its better to have the carbs and fats in separate meals in order to avoid any fat gain due to carb induced insulin release, but ive seen your proposed meal plans and some include mct oil with carbs in the same meal, any thoughts?
6- Is a low dose t3 (lets say 12,5mcg) effective and safe for female use, or is a womans thyroid more fragile and screwable than mens? if so, what protocol do you recommend and think is safe for females to use in order to aid in fat loss?
7- is a low dose T3 (12,5mcg) advisable for long term use on males? does it causes any supression or just a boost to the natural thyroid output?
8- If your diet allows it, is consuming 400-500gr of protein a day for months any bad for your health (kidney stress, liver, etc?)
9- Do you do static stretching? if so, before, after or intra workout?
10- Do you think isometric holds are effective to contribute in hypertrophy and strenght? do you use them?
11- Are specialization routines more effective for enhanced athletes, or do your recommend on focusing on full body growth routines when on PEDs?
12- Is Mesotherapy(mesostabyl, artichoke extract, etc) effective in helping loose the last layers of fat, (usually in the belly)? do your recommend it?
13- I always get nervous before a competition, and suffer from reflux and stomach pain. is omeprazole pre-competition counterproductive (physique -wise)?
14- You havent mentioned frontloads of long esthers in your posts, do you think they are effective?
15- Is it normal to get sleepy when using humalog? does this side effect vanish when using it regularly?
16- Soy lecithin granules, any good for the brain- mood?
17- you mentioned 5HTP as a mood enhancer. any other natural mood enhancer that comes to your mind?