Sex & Society

Demo - I envy you and your situation…it must be the ultimate T-feeling to have a partner so dedicated to you (and you to her). Best wishes, and I hope to find that someday (and I do believe that I will)!

I gotta back up Michelle on this one. Yes, Kain, you have a lot of growing up to do, and the pity is that you will probably NEVER experience the feelings that Michelle is talking about because of your past experience.

I have had many one nighters in my life, and I have had sex after waiting for a couple months where in that time period i learned to care for the girl. i dunno, maybe i have a problem but i have only been with a girl for more than one time once. i mean even in the girls i wait for, i hit them up one night, and then i find no attraction to them again because it has lost its thrill. these are hot girls too, not just your average girl. i just find no desire to touch them again, i actually become annoyed by them even trying to kiss me, so i break it off before i ever go with them again. and the time i went with a girl for a second time, i didnt enjoy it and ended up getting rid of her. all of my friends are exactly like me, maybe its just how we are and we will grow up one day.

Cam, honestly until I met this woman I NEVER wanted to get married. I didn’t even believe in love (bad past relationships) Then POW! I got slammed so hard that I’m STILL reeling. And yes, it feels wonderful. Every day I tell myself how lucky I am as well as how lucky she and I are as a couple. We met under the most unlikely of circumstances and it took us both by surprise. Here’s the secret: forget everything that movies, books, and television tell you about love. They have it all wrong. Real love is damn hard work. Sometimes it hurts like hell. But the reward is worth more to me than anything I’ve ever felt. Don’t “expect” it to happen in any particular way, and it just may sneak up on you. Good luck bro.

kain - would you use a condom twice? i mean you blow a big load into one, then you throw it away, right? you sure don’t want to touch it again, let alone use it!! until you view women with more respect than the average condom and until you learn to respect yourself you will never grow up. waiting for a short time and then ‘hitting them up’ is not exactly a quality relationship. were you just biding time until you could get into her pants? that’s what it sounds like, because if you cared for her you would have viewed her as more than a used recepticle for your cum shot. if you are in college i suggest you visit the counseling center and speak to someone, because repeatedly using people and throwing them away indicates some serious emotional issues.

Jim you said, “On a semi-related note: Something I said that pissed off my girlfriend: Rape is a viable means of reproduction for the extreamly ugly. Let your mind bake a little on that one before you comment. ;)” I will leave that “statement” alone but earlier you said, “Assuming we as a species continue to prosper, emotions will some day be eliminated as our brains develop. The vast majority of people I know with genius IQs as well as extremely refined minds and zero physical brain defects are very unemotional in comparison to the typical person. The only I’ve been able to observe from them is frustration at the typical person’s stupidity.” girlfriend? you have a girlfriend? oh, I guess you have emotions so I am glad to see that you do not consider yourself to have a “genius I.Q.” or “an extremely refined mind” of maybe you think you have a “brain defect” I can not see any other reason why you would call your fuck partner your “girlfriend”, I would assume your use of the word “girlfriend” to be a show of some emotions in regards to her. although at time I agree with you (I know, you don’t care if I do or not) I think you are WAY off in your thinking on this issue. Without emotions our species would have died out LONG ago. Spend some more time useing your “genius I.Q.” (although I am pretty sure you think book smart=I.Q. but I could be wrong).

I’ve been both an artist and an engineer, so I know both sides of the “spectrum,” so to speak. Brilliant people are often times the most whacko, emotionally. Case in point: one of my friends, with an IQ of 180, is the most emotional woman I know.
Furthermore, studies are showing that people are marrying with high correlation to their economic status as well as intelligence level, and this includes those with high IQs. They do not seem to have a higher nor lower divorce rate (in a statistically significant way), and do not have a large number of “open” marriages going about (disproving some sort of ambivalence to their partners leading to sexual promiscuity).
While some very high IQ people have committed attrocities (Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, is a good example), their attacks generally seem to be acts of sublimated rage. Rage is not unemotional. I can provide quite a list of reference materials, if anyone would like to see one.

Vain: What you’re referring to is simply a lack of emotional development. Period. Human children are some of the most ruthless, cutthroat creatures on our planet. They have to learn how to ‘properly’ adapt from animal to person. For various reasons, some people simply don’t develop like the rest of the sheeple and are branded with silly and baseless labels like ‘Anti-social Personality Disorder’. You’ll find a common thread between rapists and the typical adolescent ‘criminal’ as well as the hard core felon: Primitive emotional structures. Interestingly enough, you’ll also find a similar thread in exceptionally bright people who have advanced thinking skills at the expense of an underdeveloped emotional side. Sure, it might have been developed, but is unused and atrophied. Not unlike what can happen to a muscle. However once a part of the brain shuts down, it’s typically impossible to get it back to previous operating norms… Unlike muscle size. The brain is a use it or permanently lose it thingamajig.

Jim, your assumptions about brain atrophy are incorrect. Any part of the brain that is “unused” physically dies. End of story. In terms of having “primitive emotional structures,” this too is a little off-base. Emotions arise in the limbic system (generally), and are common to just about all mammals. You are born with the exact range of emotions that you will always have. That having been said, over time, people develop certain interconnections that allow them to interface with these emotions in different ways. Some people choose to act out their aggressions, while others have some other processing they go through before a decision for action is rendered. This is in no way “unemotional.” While there are some people that have been born with what appears to be damage to the emotional parts of their brains, and thus seemed incapable of emotion, this is far fewer than 1 percent of the population. Further, many people sublimate emotion. That is, they rechannel emotional energy into other directions (such as creativity or violence) so that they do not feel painful emotions directly. This may give some the appearance of being unemotional, while being quite the contrary. Finally, I’ll give you my own personal recollection of being a student in HS. I didn’t get along with my peers, and so I presented an image of an unemotional robot. Sometimes even I believed it. It was ultimately unhealthy (and utterly untrue), but it served its use as a defense mechanism.

Nep: As to your first point: Perhaps my language was unclear but that’s exactly what I said (in reference to the brain cells perminently dying) However, I believe they become dorment beforehand. Kinda like a holding cell prior to execution. Case in point. I’m a skill freak. I’ll master different things like scuba diving, statistics, the layout of forgien cities, Oil painting, nutrition, and a giant list of other unrelated shit. I will then go long periods of time without ever using these skills. i will for the most part not be able to remeber the specfics if someone asked me a detailed question about any number the skills I’m not using. However, the instant the skill becomes ‘useful’ to me it only takes a day, sometimes less for me to recall everything. However, I am freak of nature in this sense. Most people don’t do this. Typically people will pick a could of things to define themselves and perhaps knowing that I’ll eventually get back to it, my mind will keep this knowlage fresh. (Kinda like in “Demolishin” Man with Stallone and Snipes) As for my point about primitive emotional structures: I was intending to refer more along the lines of learned emotional control -versus- berzerker emotions and their influence of morals as well as ethics. I just got lazy and didn’t want to put too much of effort. I figured the right person would be able to unravel the point and get something out of it. Literal thinkers tend to bug me and are usually not the auidence I’m going for… :wink: As to the loss of emotions thing, I suppose the loss I was referring to could probably be attributed to trauma… However what is your definition of trauma? Repeated abuse over time? Poor diet? A Hammer in the side of the head? I know a guy who got 3 hours of sleep, drank over a gallon of Mountain Dew a -day-, ate shit like twinkies for his single meal of the day and ran his mind into the ground so bad that if he doesn’t take Zolopht to regulate his seritonin levels: He will literally become insane. Now is this simply physical? Becuase all things mental -are- inheriently physical. The process of thinking is physical. However what is your definition of the mind? Hmm? It’s the brain configuration which makes you who you are. Like an etched compact disk. One tiny mistake in likfe becomes a trillion mistakes in that silly organ which then creates the possiblity for more mistakes. Various degress of imperfection. That is all we are. We like machines because they are something we are not. Simple and reliable. Well, that is on the surface. Deep down it is really simple. People just tend not to delve down there very often which is why there are ‘games’ and ‘news which doesn’t really matter’ and the rest of our silly little pride filled cultural nonsense all degined for one thing. To distract and control us. As time goes on people become more fearful of things. We see a car accident, then another, and another, by the time we’re 80 we;ve seen a half dozen or so and we’re bitching in the backseat about how the grandkids shouldn’t be driving so fast… all the while distracted… It amazes me that many people live their lives and never have a single moment of true clarity. And of those that do, it’s usually forgotten in a day or two. I’m off to L.A.

“Perhaps my language was unclear but that’s
exactly what I said (in reference to the brain cells perminently dying)
However, I believe they become dorment beforehand. Kinda like a
holding cell prior to execution.” No. If the “emotional” areas of the brain were to die, that would show up on scans. There is no evidence of this. In reference to your "freak"ishness, this is not uncommon. Scientists are unsure whether dendritic decay, reorganization, or some other mechanism is responsible for loss of memory over long periods, but most testing shows that memory is largely recoverable (this is analagous to the studies that show that muscles tend to quickly regain their size after a long period of abstinence from training).
"As for my point about primitive
emotional structures: I was intending to refer more along the lines of
learned emotional control -versus- berzerker emotions and their
influence of morals as well as ethics. I just got lazy and didn’t want to
put too much of effort. " Well, this doesn’t really jive with what you said before, does it? You just asserted that the emotional areas of the brain die or go “dormant.” Conscious interface between emotion and the emotional center itself are entirely different and distinct. “However what is your definition of trauma?
Repeated abuse over time? Poor diet? A Hammer in the side of the
head?” Physical trauma and psychological trauma are different. All things “mental” are not inherently physical. There is a difference between organic disturbances and learned ones. This is similar to a computer. Damaged hardware means that any software, no matter how flawless, will produce incorrect results unless the damaged areas of the hardware are circumvented (or the software compensates for the error). Flawed software, however, is merely an error of strategy, and can be easily mended if the hardware is intact. Now, the consensus is becoming that a lot of mental illnesses are actually the joint result of a physical defect and a psychological trigger, but any abused child can be evidence of a nuture argument for dysfunction. Physical defects, depending on severity, do not necessarily propagate throughout the system. The brain is a remarkably adaptive organ, and can bypass defects if enough of the brain is capable of assessing that there is an impairment. I don’t understand your point in the little ramble at the bottom of your post, so I won’t respond to it. Sorry if I think too “literally” for you, but thinking (and speaking) with a little precision is important for any argument, especially scientific and philosophical ones.

Neo: I can tell by the first sentence of your reply that what I wrote went right over your head. It all ‘jives’, you just want to be anal and disagreeable. Say hi to boojiboy for me.

Ok, so I decided to read the rest of your post. what’s your point? There isn’t anything you’ve said that I disagree with, except, that this -isn’t- an argument. I’m not even re-reading or worrying about spelling in my replies. To me this is common knowalge likeeating the dead and spanking the monkey. Did my little quip about Antisocial Personality disorder upset you? I don’t dislike you, I was simply stating that I don’t have the patience to lead literal thinkers to the troft and force the water down. I read in the HArvard mental review 6 months ago evidence that the brain does regenarate cells even in people as old as 85. I’m surprised you missed it. I like ponies. A cashew ate my grandmother’s false teeth then flew into the sky and turned into a Rhino wearing a top hat and a leather jacket with pink ruffles and a thong. Do you ever think for yourself or must you go through your life like a silly disgruntled engineer spouting ‘facts’ which are destoned to be proven wrong?

With technical terms such as “thingamajig,” you’re right, my intelligence is indeed challenged (yeesh). I’m not sure why you’re taking my statements as a personal attack; I’m just trying to introduce a little rigor to the argument. There is no evidence for your biological “holding cell,” which renders your argument suspect, at best. I don’t see how disagreeing with you, or challenging your views, indicates that you are “over my head.” But, in light of your phenomonal intellect, you ought to be able to rephrase so that even one such as I can understand it.
Otherwise, I stand by my points.
Oh, as an item of general interest to the subject, there has been recent research that shows that a particular area of the brain actually regulates impulses (acting as a superego), and that people born with this area of the brain damaged or malformed in some way have difficulty understanding moral concepts, and have a tendency to act without restraint. Scientists do not know how widespread the phenomenon is (which would give credit to your nature argument, Jim, albeit by a different vector. Emotions are intact). It does not seem to be a genetic disorder according to the literature I’ve read, however, but rather seems to be induced by some sort of trauma in utero or during the birthing process (oxygen deprivation, etc). No evidence exists that people develop this as any sort of degenerative disease, i.e. starting out with the brain relatively intact and then progressively losing control.

Jim, I never said that there’s no regeneration of cells (new brain cells do grow, albeit slowly), but not in dead systems. If an area of the brain were to truly fall into disuse, the tissue would die at a rate much faster than new cells could grow.
I do think for myself, I just don’t regard science or research as an impediment to my understanding.

Actually, you’re right. I provided way too much information, unprompted. What I did say seems to be unimportant to the rest of the discussion, and seems to only involve the two of us. Consider it dropped.

I can’t figure out if Jim is smart and interesting or just an annoying troll. Perhaps he’s bipolar in that regard?

I think that all longterm relationships ARE based on sexual attraction. Very few people (men or women) would consider dating someone they were not sexually attracted to.

Personally, I don’t think it does. I never had a girl friend when was in high school, but I still got some action. I am now twenty years old and at the University of Oklahoma. The only things to do here are go to class, drink, and fuck your brains out. I slept around this past fall semester and I don’t feel anymore deviant than before. NOw I have a girl friend and well I do have that emotional bond, but when the day comes that we break up, I am pretty sure that I will go back to what I was doing before. Good question though, keep em coming!

T-maggers, i think we have strayed a little from the topic at hand, and that may be due to my comments, but i basically am suggesting that I think society’s current attitude towards sex promotes the sexual element at the expense of the emotional element…as such, we have all this shit all the time about “get ass” “babes scantily clad” "teenages on MTV running around nude at beaches etc. etc…my thinking is that this can’t be good for sound personality development in the long run…please don’t get me wrong…i am all for having a little fun, but, comon, some of this shit on the adds, and even a bit on this site (hey, i love the site, i am just critiquing) is just so oriented towards ass, its getting tiring…I can’t wait, someone is going to respond and question my sex and shit, but i think the intelligent ones out there know what i am getting at, however you may or may not agree.

Peace out