setting up chains

I’ve been going through a few of the articles by Simmons and Tate trying to figure out exactly how to set up chains for bench and squat. For example: for someone who benches 300-400 lbs, it says to use 1 (5/8) chain each side in order to add 40 lbs total from the bottom to the top of the movement.

My question is, won’t the distance travelled by the bar (depending on arm length), in part determine how much weight is being added? Using the same chains, wouldn’t it be possible for a shorter armed guy to add only 35 lbs for point A to point B while a longer limbed lifter adds 40+ lbs?

Also, how necessary is the feeder chain? I know Poliquin has said the he just attaches the heavy chain straight to the bar and then just factors the weight of the chains in when calculating bar weight.

Any insight that anyone who trains with chains can give would be great.

“My question is, won’t the distance travelled by the bar (depending on arm length), in part determine how much weight is being added? Using the same chains, wouldn’t it be possible for a shorter armed guy to add only 35 lbs for point A to point B while a longer limbed lifter adds 40+ lbs?Also, how necessary is the feeder chain? I know Poliquin has said the he just attaches the heavy chain straight to the bar and then just factors the weight of the chains in when calculating bar weight.”

my answer:
The feeder chains are used to adjust for differing heights/arm length. The chains should have a couple of links still in the ground to avoid sway when standing up/arms at full extension. When you are in the low position the chains should be almost but not completely deloaded on the ground. Unless you are a giant or a midget you should be able to adjust the feeder chains to suit your height/arm length.

You are analyzing way too much. Just be sure you have a total deload at the bottom and you will be fine. In other words, just be sure that all of the big chain is on the floor in the bottom position. Its going to be different for different people. dont get analysis paralysis.

Thanks for your replies guys!

Heres a pic of me benching with chains



Sometimes its easier to see how something works, rather than have it explained. Hope it helps.

275+Chains I hope that’s not for speed sets. If it is then you must be happy with your 700lbs bench.

Great pic but it looks like the form could use some help.
I’m just being a …

I was just screwing around that day. My max is 305. Whats wrong with the form?

The pic definitely helps, thanks. I’ve seen other pics of chains but the camera angle is better on yours.

Probably referring to the elbows flaring, not tucked