So until recently I have been following a 5 day split, refocusing and trying to gain some muscle. However I just got a new job in which I will be required to work overtime or late into the night which will cause me to miss some workouts because of this I have decided to follow fullbody w/o.
Due to the new job I will not be able to take in a huge amount of calories so I will be focusing on gaining lean mass slowly while keeping b/f in check.
My question is what kind of set/rep scheme would be best when trying to gain muscle? Ideally I would like to have 6-8 exercises per w/o any ideas would be appreciated.
[quote]markdp wrote:
I know this is off topic, but what sort of job doesn’t allow you to take in a lot of calories?[/quote]
its not that the job itself doesn’t but I will not have many breaks or chances to take in a high calorie meal and I have never been a fan of drinking alot of protein shakes.
[quote]-ETHAN- wrote:
markdp wrote:
I know this is off topic, but what sort of job doesn’t allow you to take in a lot of calories?
its not that the job itself doesn’t but I will not have many breaks or chances to take in a high calorie meal and I have never been a fan of drinking alot of protein shakes.[/quote]
Well, unfortunately you might need to. If you aren’t taking in enough calories, you could have the best workout in the world, but you won’t gain much in the way of muscle. So, like it or not, if you really won’t have the time to eat meals during your shifts, then you might have to resort to protein/meal replacement shakes.
As far as set/rep schemes, why not use a number of different set/rep schemes. Perhaps 10X3 one day, 4X8 another day, and 3X12 the third day. Oh, which brings up another question: how many days do you plan to workout?