hey, just read piece by CW, in regards to 5x5 training, he said aiming for a 6th set is real progression, but where do you draw the line, 7x5,8x5 (in relation to hypertrophy zone) before you bump up the kgs and hit 5x5 again.
cheers guys.
from simonm
Here’s what I have done for BB Rows:
Warm up then’
week 1. 5 sets 5 reps with 110kg, rest 3 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
week 2. 5 sets 5 reps with 110kg, rest 2:45 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
week 3. 5 sets 5 reps with 110kg, rest 2:30 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
week 4. 5 sets 5 reps with 110kg, rest 2:15 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
week 5. 5 sets 5 reps with 110kg, rest 2 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
Change strategy:
Week six. 5 sets 5 reps with 112.5kg, rest 3 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
Week seven 5 sets 5 reps with 115kg, rest 3 mins between sets.
If I can get more than 5 on last set, I progress.
You get the idea, once I cant get 5x5 using the 3 min rests
I’ll start cuttin g the rest. It’s working so far, I know it wont indefinitely. I will work up to a max 5 rep set (not 5x5) then have a break.
[quote]simonm wrote:
hey, just read piece by CW, in regards to 5x5 training, he said aiming for a 6th set is real progression, but where do you draw the line, 7x5,8x5 (in relation to hypertrophy zone) before you bump up the kgs and hit 5x5 again.
cheers guys.
from simonm
If you want to continue following CW’s advice then look up his set rep bible and stay in his hypertrophy zones. Off the top of my head he goes as high as 50 reps( maybe 60) and for a 5 rep set that’d be 10-12x5 with a weight you did 5x5 with. In my mind it was time to bump that weight up long ago.