Anyone know about or have experience with Sermorelin as HRT?
My wife takes it. Its used to keep her natural T production online due to exogenous T. Her Doc prescribes it to men in order to stimulate natural HGH production. Im interested in using it but not sure its something I want to spend money on. I live between London and LA so we use a well known female HRT doc for the wife. Male HRT is way easier and Im not willing to make any mistakes with her health. You can check out some of Stephanie Wolff’s youtube videos under Novus Center or Novus Wellness. She explains Sermorelin better than I could.
Of all the GH-adjacent peptides it’s probably the worst one as far as how it makes you feel. It’s a ghrelin releasing peptide, so it makes you immediately hungry, no matter when you last ate. It also makes you tired within minutes of administration. You’re insatiably hungry and you’re so tired you can barely stand. I used to refer to it as the zombie drug because I would 100% have dragged my body into the kitchen and eaten someone’s brains if that was the only food available. There are better, more side effect friendly peptides out there if the goal is to raise IGF-1. This particular one will put an instant 10lbs on you in a month, and not the kind of 10lbs you want.
I’ve used it personally and have many patients that have and do as well. It’s a peptide that acts as a secretagogue, stimulating the pituitary to make hGH. If you are considering it, have your doctor check IGF-1.
It’s a good product, fairly commonly used, and most do well with it. Some get no benefit and I’ve had a handful, maybe three (?) who discontinued due to the previously mentioned uncomfortable hunger.
For me, it helps quite a bit with sleep. You will want to take it before bed for this reason. Also, take it on an empty stomach, don’t eat for two hours prior. I lose weight with it and notice increased vascularity, but I do not look smaller. My joints respond very well so training is better and I can do more in terms of both volume and intensity, so perhaps I gain a little muscle.
Increased hunger was slight, if any, and pretty much only during the first couple weeks. One of the guys accidently switched his hCG with it and took sermorelin first thing in the morning instead of his hCG. He did not make it to work without stopping twice for food. A couple others reported getting up and eating in the middle of the night. A couple were allergic to it.
It’s popular with the middle age, fitness, gym rat, anti aging type of women. I’d say fat loss, and therefore weight loss, is the most reported benefit. A lot of patients use it over the summer for this reason.
There are better, more side effect friendly peptides out there if the goal is to raise IGF-1. This particular one will put an instant 10lbs on you in a month, and not the kind of 10lbs you want.
Can you point me in the right direction?
I do fine with MK-677. It is a lot less money (like less than $0.50/day, compared to over a hundred a month), and from the data I have seen works better. It can make you hungry and sleepy. I just take low dose (currently on 7.5 mg/day) and before bed, and haven’t really noticed any of this.
It isn’t going to give results like taking HGH, but for me, I have noticed better joint health, and a bit better sleep on it. Just my two cents.
Actual HGH is superior to any of the grey market peptides out there. And the cost isn’t that much higher if you know what to look for.
But if you’re looking for small increases for midrange prices then Mod GRF 1-29 would be worth investigating. It’s usually used with Ipamorelin, which is also worth looking into.
So true. I’m taking CJC / Imap combo. My IGF1 barely budged and it cost me almost $600 for three months. Real HGH would have been same cost and actually worked.