Sensible/Non-Extremist Diet?

So for the past year I haven’t been following any sort of special diet. My weight fluctuates between 215-225 at 6"2. I typically carry around 12-15% body fat. My goal is simple, to maintain a body fat of 10% while still getting stronger in my lifts. A typical day of eating is something like this; BREAKFAST- if I don’t skip it, always coffee, eggs and bacon. Depending on what I’m doing that day I might add carbs in the form of either whole oats boiled in water or whole grain protein pancakes. LUNCH- could be anything from a tuna or pb sandwich, ground beef, pizza(not often) or protein shake. DINNER- is always red meat or fish, with rice or potato and maybe a vegetable. OTHER- some days I might skip breakfast and lunch and have a massive dinner with a pound of ground beef, rice and potatoes. Sometimes I will have a desert or two usually ice cream or some sugary candy once a week. I tried paleo and intermittent fasting a few years back. Both gave me great results. Intermittent fasting gave me faster results but I felt like it wasn’t sustainable as I lost some strength. Paleo I felt gave me the best results as I lost a noticeable amount of body fat and gained strength. I stuck with it for a while but I just found myself missing so many modern day foods-anything fried, any form of dairy, even oats and rice were like crack to me. I feel like extreme diets are great while they last but not sustainable. Does anyone have any advice, or any eating regimen they follow that isn’t extreme and yields results in both physique and strength?

Eat enough protein. For the rest eat whatever. Weigh yourself in the morning everyday easy

So just continue what I’m eating but just try and cut the amount of food back?

How old are you?
How late do you eat dinner?

To maybe mildly adjust what you are doing, you could try a Mag-10 pulse fast once a week, and then maybe 2x per week if needed.