Seminar report - day 1

Greetings from Orlando! If it makes you guys feel any better about not being here, it rained all day. But we didn’t care, we were in the conference hall learning about program design from Ian King, massive eating from John Berardi, “chemical assistance” from Brian Batcheldor and Bill Roberts, and dieting from Tom Incledon. Plus we got a peek into the future of Biotest products, and Billy was running around taking pictures of the smiling winners of free product - of course, they may have been smiling because Tom’s fiance was sitting next to them. Tomorrow morning Ian takes us to the gym for some hands on training. Hate to rub it in, but you screwed the pooch if you missed this one. I have to fly out immediately after tomorrow’s session, but perhaps one of the other lads will file a report after staggering in from Orlando’s famous nightlife.

Calvin…thanks for the update, bud. Looking forward to hearing some of the good stuff that comes out of the seminar. Those of us that are less fortunate–or just plain ignorant–wouldn’t mind you guys dropping some knowledge on us.

Man…How about me? Seminar was paid for, and had my airline tix two months ago. Had to fly west in an emergency at work Thursday AM. I’ll be at the next one… whenever that is.

The next seminar is scheduled for Las Vegas at Olympia time (October). See Nate’s post for more info on day 2, and a report should be posted on the site soon.

Vegas? VEGAS??? Ohhhh, hellll yeaaaahhhh!
You mean TeddyKGB gets to attend a seminar as well as flop the nut straight on some arses in a little 10/20 Hold Em over at Binnion’s and the Bellagio too? This is just too good-I better start saving now. Christmas is in October this year! Anyone ever been to Little Darlings?

…aw yeah, baby! This is a definite must-do. 'Bout it, 'bout it. In the words of Busta Rhymes: Iz they gettin wildin wit us & they gettin rowdy wit us! I’ve always wanted to do Vegas, now I’ve got a rhyme and a reason. Just gotta save up some cashola…Teddy, looks like we might be meeting up in the city of lights, my friend!

I’m trying to convince my wife to go to Vegas if the seminar is going to be there in October. Seriously, that would cool. Hopefully it’ll all go down.

Calvin…how many people do you figure attended the seminar? No reason really, just curious as to how many might be in Vegas. I’m in luck, Vegas is just a 3 hour drive for me. There’s no question I’ll be there.

There must have been around 50-70 people in attendance at the seminar. Billy and Jeff wanted to keep this seminar small since it was the first one and there would be some trial and error. So we made history by being a part of the very first seminar, but future seminars will be even better! So if you get a chance to do the one in October (Las Vegas), you can be sure it will be awesome. And I thought this seminar was great. Yes, we all had some suggestions for future seminars, and I know Jeff, Billy and other T-mag contributors will use them to make “No Holds Barred 2,3,4, etc” even better!