Hey, Just came off my first cycle. I did 500mg test-e a week for 12 weeks and nolvadex for pct. I went from about 190 to 210 now two months after pct
Traing hard two years
Want to build mass
Bench 235 max
Squat 315 max
Dead 415 max
10% bf
6 foot tall
I am feeling great and ready to start my next cycle.
Here is what i have:
3 vials of test-e 10 ml @250mg per ml
1 vile of Equipoise 5ml @300mg per ml
1 vile of Npp 10ml @150mg per ml
100 caps of Dianabol @20mg per cap
For AI I have 100 caps of Arimidex @1mg per cap
For PCT I have 100 caps of Nolvadex @20mg per cap
EDIT: Here is what i was thinking
1-12 test-e @ 200mg twice a week
1-5 equipoise @ 150mg twice a week
1-10 NPP @ 75mg twice pe week
1-8 d-bol @ 40mg ED
I am not sure how to use what NPP i have most effectivley, and I will use my remaining vial of test to test taper.
I would like to do another 12 week cycle, i have also been thinking of using one of the test vials to do a test taper. Winter is comin up so I wanna eat like a pig and pile on the mass. Any suggestions as how to arrange my cycle would be massivley appreciated!