Second Cycle Looking for Info and Help

First cycle was a major success. I feel like I closed on a million dollar investment. Now, I’m real hungry… 1 million isn’t enough… I want to venture into the world of real hardcore and disciplined athletes. I’ve spoke with some colleagues and they told me to just run test and deca… Here is my proposed cycle:

Test e 250-500mg Mon & Wed 1-20 weeks
Deca - 1-12 weeks
Bold - 1-18 weeks
Dbol or anadrol kickstart
Any good research / studies I can read to help me make a decision on mg a week for eq and deca? What have you guys heard of front loading? I’ve heard mixed reviews …

Why? I want the decas amazing fluid retention for my broken joints. I want the EQs appetitie inducer and lean gains.

Why run 2? Well I’m theory crafting at this point, I have no idea if it’s ideal to run both… But maybe someone with good resources could point me in the right direction

Inb4 my next post at 250lbs

weight: 210
Ht: 5"10

Have you completed your pct? Recovered completely? What was your first cycle?

You are jumping ahead of yourself with this much gear on your second cycle.

[quote]The-German wrote:
Have you completed your pct? Recovered completely? What was your first cycle?

You are jumping ahead of yourself with this much gear on your second cycle.[/quote]

^ agreed

Hit the brakes. This is too much for a second cycle.

Well how much deca did you want to run? Is your plan just to use it for joint relief? Because EQ can provide that.

How much test are you running?

Don’t worry about a front load if you plan on using an oral.

My first cycle was 500mg/week pinned only once a week
This past Thursday was last pin… Was 1 cc tho pct is going to start in 10-14 days after last pin… I’m thinking 10 so it’s around the corner… Ummmm

I heard great things about deca…

Was thinking of running: like 750mg a week 2 pins … Maybe like 500 day 1, 250 day 4…
Keep the deca at like 400-600mg/week idk first time using it so Idk the sweet spot…
Eq I have no clue, I just read good appetitie and nice lean gains. ThoughT it would be a nice synergistic cycle deca and eq.

Yeah going to kick start with an oral :slight_smile:

Forgot to add: deca is for the mad gains, eq to boost appetite and get a nice lean figure during the bulk. So yes deca for joint relief and to blow up like the Michelin man with the help of EQs appetite

This smells like a troll. But if not, you should keep it simple yet effective. This will give you solid gains.

1-12 Test E 750/wk
1-10 Deca 400/wk
1-6 Dbol 50mg/day

Im pretty much running this my next cycle with a couple changes, but i’ll be front loading the first week with leftover prop.

not trolling. Just wanting to be the best I can be. I know that’s a good bulking cycle but how would eq work in the mix with deca and test e?

My understanding from logs;

Deca = huge volume and water retention
Eq = leaner gains with appetitie increase

Together = more gains cuz deca is super size bulker and eq is appetite jump starter?

You can just tell me my logic is flawed, that’s why I’m posting here. To learn :slight_smile:

Dont forget the tren…and anadrol…and mast…and tbol…

They all do some amazing shit. Doesn’t mean you use everything you can.

Run test and deca OR dbol.

[quote]sambo4 wrote:
not trolling. Just wanting to be the best I can be. I know that’s a good bulking cycle but how would eq work in the mix with deca and test e?

My understanding from logs;

Deca = huge volume and water retention
Eq = leaner gains with appetitie increase

Together = more gains cuz deca is super size bulker and eq is appetite jump starter?

You can just tell me my logic is flawed, that’s why I’m posting here. To learn :)[/quote]

Not saying your logic is flawed. Saying don’t do it. As you introduce new things to your body you should do it in steps. If you just jump in and start taking everything you can when you have an adverse reaction to something you don’t know what reaction is to what compound. You don’t know how to fix the issue. What to drop what supps to help. Assuming your first cycle was test you should add another compound possibly an oral too. Nothing more. You are going to throw too many things at your body and it’s not ready for them.