First Post. Second Cycle. Looking for Input

Aright Folks… where to start…  I’m 27, been in the gym since high school, though I was a “Chest Brah” for the longest, last few years I’ve really started hitting legs as I had hit a wall with  gains of course… now leg day is my favorite day, anyway… last August I had a friend approach me with some gear, it was a 10week Test E/Deca.

I did a little research, and decided to try it, asked him to check his connect for some PCT, he couldn’t get any… I know I know… I’m prepared for the lashing… any who. I ran it low 250 test and 250 deca a week, loved it. Gainz… I went from maxing bench at 275 to 315, same on squats. At first Pin (Sept 1st) I weighed 170 (15% body fat) at my Peak on the cycle I just barely touched 200. Didnt have much side affects besides Bacne and obviously Labido dropped back down to pretty much normal, no complete shutdown or nothing…

Its now March 5 and I’ve stayed around 190 and still around 15% body fat, I haven’t lost any strength although the weight just seems harder to press, I miss the recovery and the way it made my joints and legiments feel.  I eat 7 times a day (two shakes included in that) I’ve done more research and I’m wanting to run a second cycle now, but also stay basic as I will treat this as a First cycle like I should have done before…

1-12 weeks 500mg Testosterone Enanthate
1-12 weeks 10-20mg Aromasin Everyday to every other day (If needed)
1-12 weeks 250iu HCG twice a week

12-16 weeks 20mg Tamoxifen every day
12-16 weeks 50mg Clomid every day

I may not do the HCG as I don’t want to add any more shots than I have to lol but if it’s an absolute Have To Have I will, just wanted to run this by yall, this is my first post, I’ve done alot of researching on this page but never posted or commented.

My goals are to get to atleast 205 lbs and stay there, I’d like to be repping  315 instead of maxing, I can rep 275  about 4-5 times bench and squat, I do Pyramid Drop sets. I won’t post my whole workout on this first post as its already long enough… on that note I will end it. I’d like to know what yall think of the cycle/pct  and gainz to be expected from it.  Thank you.

Cycle looks fine but run the aromasin everyday from day one. Pct starts week 14 you need to give the test two weeks to clear. Run the hcg at the way you gave layed out. They’re subq injections no big deal.

By the way you were completely shut down last cycle 100% for sure. Lucky you made a good recovery.

You can start the HCG later, at around week 6-8.

Should everything here prevent the Bacne?? Hell I still have some from that first run

This is really a person to person basis. Keeping your e2 in check can help keep acne down which is another reason to run aromasin from the start. But honestly if your prone to acne like I am there really isn’t a whole lot you can do. I shower twice a day and use the strongest acne treatment available without a prescription and I still get terrible breakouts. You can get a prescription from the doctor but most are quite harsh. It’s up to you if you want to go that route.

I am acne prone Face wise, never had any on my back at all ever. I stayed clear face and back through out that first cycle, then once I came Off my back went crazy, just little bumps nothing major but there was alot, my face didn’t break out though so that was good.

[quote]Pena524 wrote:
I am acne prone Face wise, never had any on my back at all ever. I stayed clear face and back through out that first cycle, then once I came Off my back went crazy, just little bumps nothing major but there was alot, my face didn’t break out though so that was good.[/quote]

your estrogen may have crept up and caused this… what was your previous cycle/PCT?

I didn’t run any PCT the first time, wasn’t available… I know it was a dumbass move, figured since I was running such a low dose i wouldn’t have to worry about it, and really the back breakout were the only side affects. Will do everything correct this go

I’ll tell you this:

I do not get any noticeable side effects at all from uncontrolled estrogen except for a little water retention. I have gone without PCT before and my bloodwork 2 months months after my last pin showed near precycle levels with only very slightly elevated prolactin and E2.

This is why you DO NOT listen to people who tell you to just keep your anciliaries on hand or you do not need to do PCT because different people react differently to gear and it’s side effects…

Use your AI from the start.