[quote]Cortes wrote:
If you want to add in another steroid that acts similarly to winstrol but is FAR better than winstrol and you won’t have to worry about hepatoxicity, then I would go with masteron.[/quote]
Ok, for some reason like HALF of my posts aren’t going through on this board. It is the weirdest shit ever. So I will try to remember what I originally said when I first responded to this.
I know Test E and Dbol can give great results- my reason for wanting to add winstrol/masteron was that I kinda wanted the best of both worlds. When I was on Dbol I had some pretty great strength gains, but I also got pretty puffy/watery. I figured by adding win/mast I could continue to gain and lower my caloric intake (not a significant amount, but just enough so that I don’t have to spend a king’s ransom on food) and also not have the puffy/watery look. I was a little concerned about the joint issues, but I figured if that became a problem I could lower the dose, or just stop using it altogether.
There were a couple reasons I chose winstrol over masteron:
- My guy is out of masteron
- The androgenic sides- specifically hairloss, isn’t too appealing (of course I don’t know I’ll be affected til I try- and I even think I might be alright at a low enough dose)
- I don’t really want to pin 4 times a week. (I’m not sure if you can mix mast. with Test E, haven’t researched it that thoroughly yet)
- Mast is twice as expensive as Winstrol (that’s not that big of a deal though)
[quote]saps wrote:
Toby Queef
I think this discussion is going well but I’d like to throw in a few thoughts.
1] Don’t get so concerned with adding compounds. Over the last 5 years I’ve run 7-8 cycles I have never, ever run more than 3 compounds concurrently. So if you ran 500mg of TE and it worked with 30mg of dbol, rather than adding say 300mg of ND a week you might just consider increasing the dose of what already worked so well. For instance 750mg TE and 40mg ED of the dbol; you kinda were leaning this way already a few posts above.
2] On the subject of dbol I myself am one who likes to throw it in after the injectables have reached saturation. I like enanthates outside of ND so I wait at least 3 weeks before introducing dbol [the only oral I really use these days; I dont count proviron for this discussion.] My last cycle I was on for about 18 weeks. In this cycle I didnt even throw in the dbol till midway thru the cycle and ran it till the end so I was probably on the dbol for 8-9 weeks. Believe me when I tell you the “don’t run an 17AA oral more than 6 weeks” myth is just that. A myth. My liver values after 8-9 weeks of dbol were the same as pre cycle. The one amendment I made to my dbol usage was switching from using it in divided dose to all at once as a pre training enhancer. IMO if you wanna be strong a la a powerlifter use it all at once. If you wanna be big a la a bodybuilder go ahead and divide the dose and use it “traditionally.”
3] As Cortes mentioned earlier above tren is unequalled in terms of power, potency, negative sides you name it tren is it. You haven’t really gone balls to the wall until to try tren. I put no stock in the myth that a person has to graduate up the ladder in cycles. That is cycle #1 should be test only. Cycle #2 can be test and a second compound. Cycle #3-4 are increasing doses and perhaps adding a third member to the stack. Whatever. If you wanna use and try tren then just try it. I would advise as many do starting relatively mild. Some find 50mg ED of TRA or 300-400mg of TRE even too much. Many experienced tren users even scale back their weekly doses to the 200-300mg level and still get tangible gains with minimal sides.
4] Finally remember everyone’s body will have a slightly different reaction to different AAS. Some guys get acne, others balls shrink, some lose hair, others have bp problems or gyno. To an extent you dont know till you try. Having said that it is worthwhile to at least know the trends and likelihoods of using certain products. For instance, knowing to have some caber in pill form and not RC on hand if running a nor19. [/quote]
I like that you mentioned taking all the Dbol in one dose pre-workout. I actually am more interested in powerlifting currently than bodybuilding. The last two weeks I was on Dbol, I was actually taking all of it about 30 min before hitting the gym or 10mg earlier in the day, then 20mg before the gym. Most people had been telling me to split it into three doses or even SIX doses throughout the day. I kinda figured that was a waste given its incredibly short half-life.
Since you seem to have a lot of experience with Dbol- did you ever experience back pumps? And what did you do to deal with them? I’ve seen a lot of people who say take up to 1 or 2g of Taurine- I was taking about half that (or what’s found in an energy drink) and that didn’t seem to do much. I had to give up DL’s for that month and I felt like I was going to die after squatting. More than once I laid there on a bench for a few minutes just waiting for the pain to subside, lol.
I really don’t think I’m ready for dealing with Tren mentally and I don’t think I’m at the point where I need it either.