I do hope you guys can provide me with great feedback. Let me introduce myself, I’ve been lifting for about 5 years. And I have done one cycle of Testosterone Enanthate (500mg/week) with Nolvadex and Clomid as PCT; but this was 3 years ago, I was satisfied with the previous cycle’s results as my goal was to break my plateau, kept about 11 out of 23lbs of my gains.
These are my recent stats:
27 years old
5’7” @180lbs 12%BF
Bench Press: 250lbs
Squat: 270lbs
Deadlifts: Never bothered to check my max, but I train this at 5x5 225lbs (I got a bad back)
I got a good deal for Sustanon 400mg/ml, so I’m planning this CYCLE:
Week 1-10 EOD @0.4ml (160mg) about 560mg/week
Week 12-16 @40/30/20/10 Nolvadex (more in check for gyno)
Week 13-16 @75/50/25 Clomid
I have Arimidex on hand, but I’m not stacking (D-bol etc.) in this light cycle, so I’ll only use it if I need it. Plus I didn’t get any symptoms of gyno my previous cycle.
I can acquired HCG, but as this is a light cycle @<750mg/week I’d assume I’ll recover just fine.
Since my first cycle was a long time ago (3 years), @500mg/week. I’m going to treat this cycle as a first; so instead of stacking it, I’m experimenting by just slightly increasing the dose to 560mg/week. I’ll only be stacking after this cycle, because this cycle might prove that I still could gain with <750mg/week. I know some might recommend to add D-bol and so on, but I don’t plan in jumping into conclusions: it’s best to understand my body’s reaction to certain dosages first, before increasing it.
My goal is to achieve 190lbs weight at 8%BF. I’ll roughly be eating 3000 calories a day, lifting 5 times a week and cardio about 4 times a week, . I’m assuming 8%BF is achievable without stacking Clen etc. How realistic is this goal?
Thanks a lot!