Does anyone remember that thread from a few years ago about the OLY lifter who would make crazy sounds before he lifted?
Kind of a broad description I know… but he would walk up to the bar and yell something like “EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE EEEAAHHHHH”. Some guy from New York I think.
Honestly I only clicked on this thread because I recognized your screen name and I think your avatar is awesome.
That being said, I think I remember the guy you’re talking about. Older guy, his arms don’t lock out completely, yelling and screaming all the time about how awesome he is. Allegedly held (or still holds) some state weightlifting records or something. If I remember correctly, I first saw him in a competition video of some guy who used to post here. It was forever ago, video of of the 85s at . . . some competition haha. Think this old bastard was in there, and I think a young Jared Fleming may have been in the video as well. Not sure though, was a long time ago and I’m too lazy to look it up.
Had an epiphany. This is actually the video I was thinking of. Old guy doing the power versions with bent elbows is the guy your description made me think of. Guy in the dark blue singlet used to post here ages ago. Guy in the light blue singlet looks and kinda lifts like a younger smaller Jared Fleming, but I don’t know for sure.
I remember the guy in the dark blue singlet. I’m pretty sure his name was krollmonster. It’s funny cos I’d only just started weightlifting back then and he was posting quite a lot of vids on here and I used to think his technique was spot on, but looking at it now with another 5-years or so experience I’m not that impressed (although he is shifting a good amount of weight).
[quote]Weighty1 wrote:
I remember the guy in the dark blue singlet. I’m pretty sure his name was krollmonster. It’s funny cos I’d only just started weightlifting back then and he was posting quite a lot of vids on here and I used to think his technique was spot on, but looking at it now with another 5-years or so experience I’m not that impressed (although he is shifting a good amount of weight).[/quote]
Krolls technique is pretty solid. All the fundamentals are down.
I cant remember the loud dude but he is fun to watch