A friendly heads-up: Trader Joe’s has GRASS FED low-fat ground beef (150 kcal, 6 g. fat, 25 g. protein per 4 ounces raw) for only $3.99 a pound. How psyched am I?
my god… where!!! if it isn’t in north cali, then i’m moving.
As I remember, Zev is not in northern CA, but I’ll try to swing by TJ’s tommorrow and report back if I can find it in the northern CA stores.
Hmm… yes, I suppose it could be a regional thing. I’m in Massachusetts. But wherever you live, it may be possible to lobby your local TJs’s to carry it if it doesn’t now.
Hehe, I’m 30 mins from one. Been telling everybody about it. Last week I picked up buffalo and venison burgers, plus a couple Australian free range non GH steaks for about $4 each. Plus their chipolte salsa rocks and they sell it for under $2. Not to mention the seafood…
MBE: “Tradin’ with Joe since 1773. JADABB founder, 2002.”
Traders Joes is great, they have awesome fish! The Ahi-Tuna (140 cal, 1.5g fat, 4g carbs 25g protien per 4 oz, $3.79 lbs.) and Mahi Mahi (100 cal, 1g fat, 1g carb, 21g protien per 4oz, $4.79 lbs) are my favorites. Add some rice and you can have a cheap meal with all the essential F+C+P. (Use a rice cooker, its a no brainer!)
Zev was right - I stopped by TJ’s by my house yesterday and LO AND BEHOLD there was grass-fed beef on sale. Score! That place rules, they have awesome fish oil caps by the way too.
Tuna at $3.80 a pound is pretty cheap. How does is come (loins or steaks)? Can you order any meat over the internet? I’m looking for buffalo, but I live in Louisiana and don’t have any trader Joe’s around.
Trader Joe’s doesn’t do mailorder BUT check out www.greatplainsbison.com for all your buffalo needs!
Thanks, I just put in a order for buffalo and will be trying it for the first time in a few days.