Thanks Strick, and I hear you on that one…
Excellent work, Schmidty. Very impressive numbers.
[quote]Schmidt wrote:
[quote]mjnewland wrote:
since you are new, you must do 5/3/1 from now on. or we will kill and eat you. this is a very strict forum[/quote]
5/3/1 ??? is that some sort of cult?[/quote]
Welcome!!! Just for the record it not a cult.Its a RELIGION!! (just kidding)
sfp and bulldog… thanks.
btw I’ll be joining that cult for the next 2-3 month.
Now sleep…
Been a little busy so haven’t got around to welcoming you. Welcome, very good lifts. Good PR. Of course you also throw the javelin, right?
[quote]hel320 wrote:
Been a little busy so haven’t got around to welcoming you. Welcome, very good lifts. Good PR. Of course you also throw the javelin, right? [/quote]
I’d love to say that my javelin PR is just short of 90 meters but I haven’t had one in my hands since 7th grade…
After a weekend of BBQ and beer it was back to business in the gym. Just started my four weeks of summer vacation, so both my daugthers are home from daycare. So we got packed and headed to the gym.
For the next 2 or 3 month I’ll be doing 5/3/1 on a 3 day split with squat and MP on the same day. I will more likely than not do two rounds before I deload.
Monday 28. june 2010
310 @ 20/20/30 kg (overhead squat)
550 kg (PL squat)
550 kg
570 kg
590 kg
5105 kg
5125 kg
9137,5 kg (belt)
1020 kg
530 kg
540 kg
550 kg
557,5 kg
765 kg
4*10 @ 40 kg
- walking lunges (with camber bar), GM (with camber bar), and bench row.
Squat past 5 reps should be outlawed Ãn the Geneva convention as a cruel and unusual punishment. I F-ing hate it!
Good work in here, and welcome aboard.
[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
Good work in here, and welcome aboard. [/quote]
Been thinking about my goals for the year and I’m gonna stick my neck out now. Basically I’d hope to post a 200 kg squat, a 150 kg, and a 250 kg deadlift at the end of this year (january 2011 is also ok). Oh, it should be in -100 kg class.
As it looks now I feel pretty confident about squat and bech, while I might end up 10-20 kg short on the deadlift… I will however fight for it!
Nice squatting there.
I also agree & nominate your motion for no squats past 5 reps.
Great lifting, squats looking good.
Great looking goals! And really good lifting!
Thanks people…
Good goals. Are these all raw?
[quote]hel320 wrote:
Good goals. Are these all raw?[/quote]
That’s raw.
I’m really fascinated by the gear, but right now I don’t have the time to mess around with it.
Besides that, at least in Finland there is a rather strong RAW “wind” blowing, this year there will be a sanctioned “unofficial” RAW-bench national in the IPF affiliated federation. I figure by the time I hit M1 status (4 1/2 years from now) the might be a official RAW division and that’s where my focus and long term goals are…
Wedensday 30.06.2010
Benchpress (paused)
220 @ 20 kg
1040 kg
560 kg
582,5 kg
595 kg
7107,5 kg
7*100 kg
CG benchpress (paused)
1060 kg
1070 kg
580 kg
590 kg
5*100 kg
Bench rows
1060 kg
780 kg
590 kg
590 kg
590 kg
590 kg
3*95 kg
… then I fucked up my neck, by trying too hard to get at 4th rep @ 95kg, training ends here and I go home past the pharmacy (throws 800mg of ibuprofen down the hatch) and 1 piece of muscle relaxant follows as I get through the door. This happens when I try to push a series too far in any lat dominant movement… chins, pull-ups, bench rows I should know better.
I’m btw not happy with the 7 reps for the 107,5 kg in the bench, shoulders were fried from MP so next week the plan is squat/bench, MP/lats, Deads + assists
My neck/traps or what ever part it is, was still a bit sore but I decided to give deadlilft a chance.
Friday 02.07.2010
Deadlift (sumo)
210 @ 60 kg
25 @ 90 kg
5110 kg
5130 kg
5150 kg
5170 kg (belt)
Everything but my neck was F-ed up. My hands were soft, my core felt soft, and power was low… You’d never know that I just pulled 220kg last week.
15 @ 150 kg (sumo stance)
45 @ 150 kg (narrow)
Farmers walk
350 mtr with 250 kg
-nice one, forearms was fried after that
Thats some good looking work, farmer’s walks always destroy my forearms.
[quote]JoeGood wrote:
Thats some good looking work, farmer’s walks always destroy my forearms.[/quote]
Thanks! I have some nasty plans with the farmers walk.
The hard part is making the turns when I walk on a short path/track but, my training place for the summer is a multi sports arena, that also houses a 200m track. The plan is to drag handles and plates on to the track, load up, and walk. If I make it the full 200m I’ll add 5kg to each side the next time… Sounds like fun too me!
that’s the 200m. track