I’ve been carrying around this logbook to the gym. It’s worn out, there is doodles in it and some wheyshake got spillt so that 8 pages got glued together, once a guy just sat his sweaty shorts right on it - the inc instantly smeared over the page. I ran to the gym with it, clutching it to my chest while the rain pissed down, it’s a 7 sec sprint, but it got soaked so did I. I can somewhat proudly look back at 6 months of training, and in shame I can also recognize my biggest error, inconsistency.
/intro out.
So, over to the actual log. I’ve grown very fond of the 5/3/1 way of training, and after a break during summer I feel it’s time to get back into it. This first week will be a test week to see what I’ve got to calculate from.
50 JJ’s
33 Pushups
2 mins jump rope
50 JJ’s
3xBW pullups before each set of military total of 24 reps.
Military Press 6x30kg, 5x35, 4x40, 3x45, 3x50, 3x55, 4x60, finisher 10x50kg
*60kg as 4 rep max, or 90% of 1RM. to calculate with.
Dips and DB rows supersetted.
Dips 10xBW, 10xBW, 10xBW, 10xBW
DB rows 10x26kg, 10x31kg, 8x36kg, 8x40kg
Stretched and went home.
I’m not gonna make excuses for the weights, I honestly busted my balls and I do know i’m on the weaker side of lifting. As a side note I rescently got a tear in my trapezius and my terapist told me not to produse alot of lactic acid. Still recovering.