[quote]James Brown wrote:
I had a pilonidal sinus removed in 2012, but fortunately had no complications whatsoever. As soon as the wound healed (about 6 weeks, open wound), I got back into training, and slowly increased range of motion and load. Squats and deadlifts soon felt normal again, however, seated/lying excersies such as leg press, leg curls/extentions and bench press (to name a few) took a little longer to feel comfortable. In my opinion, it would be a good idea to work on range of motion as soon as the wound has healed (unless your consultant says otherwise of course). This will maximise whatever flexibility the scar tissue will allow and improve your chances of comfortably squatting and deadlifting.
In order to minimise healing time, ensure you eat a high protein diet. Do not skimp on healthy fats and also consume plenty of fibrous (comfortable bowel movements are essential as straining could easily tear the wound), micronutrient dense foods too. Keep your home exceptionally clean (or have someone else do it if it’s too uncomfortable to do so yourself, which I expect it is), and if possible have someone (preferably a nurse) periodically shave any hair around the wound while it heals, being careful not to allow loose hair to fall in. If you are particularly hairy, laser hair removal might be a good option. The nurses I spoke with during my visits to the hospital said that this was very successful for folks whose pilonidal sinus kept returning (I presume this is your issue, or is it that your wound itself will not heal?)
Fortunately, I was in a position to be able to do absolutely nothing while my wound healed. I pretty much lay on my side and front for the entire duration, playing video games and watching TV. I also slept frequently and ate lots (somehow I didn’t get fat). I showered before I had the dressings changed (daily at the hospital in the morning, and again at home if necessary). Warm water only, and if you can bear it, direct the shower head at the wound (low water pressure of course).
This is what worked for me, and the nurses could not believe how quickly it healed, considering that initially, you could fit a mobile phone inside the wound (we did not actually try this btw!).
I hope this helps, and best of luck. [/quote]
Thanks so much for your help. My issue wasn’t that it kept coming back as much as it wouldn’t heal. Anyways its almost gone and hair removal has played a huge role in that this time. Shaving multiple times a week. I think Im gonna go for laser hair removal once its completely healed. I’m a little worried how that will go with the scar tissue there. Any thoughts on that?
And its good to hear you could train again, especially since the size of your wound was similar to mine. I have also been keeping wound very clean and eating tons of protein like you said. Its so small now that it doesn’t require any packing. I’m also a college student taking minimal classes (mostly online) so I have time to rest. Thanks again for your help, if I have any further questions I will direct them towards you.