31 Male body weight is 277
I had a styku scan prior to starting putting my bf% around 25% and lean muscle mass at 207lbs
I’m looking for some opinions im currently running 250mg test c/week with 400mg tren e/week.
I’m not seeing the scale move at all, maybe an initial 6lbs. Ive increased cardio to 20mins 5 days a week and 1 hours on a non training day. My diet has been the most consistent. My current calorie intake is between 1900 and 2200 per day. My maintenance calories should be around 3000.
Im consuming chicken breast typically shredded, eggs, typically 1 fairlife 42g protein shake a day. My carbs are coming from some whole grain bread typically 4 slices. I aslo opt in for the low calorie tortillas. I will also do a protein pankcake with sugar free syrup if im craving something sweet. Im tracking everything with my fitness pal.
For my training days im doing legs 3 times a week and upper body twice.
Typical split is lower body Monday, thursday and Saturday, upper body is tuesday and friday. Im doing 20mins on the stairs master prior to every workout. Ill either do an hour of cardio on Wednesday or Sunday. Which ill do 30 on the stair master and 30 on the treadmil walking at an incline.
Im already on test for TRT, ive done tren before and i enjoyed it. Some of the reasons i chose tren is because i had two shoulder surgeries last year. So im trying to rebuild some of the muscle mass i lost in my upper body.
Surely you can imagine how the building of tissue is going to result in an increase in weight, no? If your goal is to weigh less, I do not understand why you are engaging in practices that result in adding weight.
Blood pressure is fine i just had labs drawn on the 31st so just waiting for the results protein is around 240 to 260 carbs are around 120 to 150 and fats float between 45 to 60g
Im noticing more vascularity in my legs I dont feel like im holding any water weight no other drugs except some vitamins.
Yes i understand that im probably putting on some muscle, i just wouldn’t expect it to be enough to keep me from seeing the scale move sense im actually eating right. Previously when running this compound i didnt do cardio and still saw myself leaning out more. I might just be in my head about it lol
I have not done a refeed or any cheats im about 5 weeks in on the diet. I have my training log on train heroic. And Im tracking my macros with my fitness pal and using a food scale.
No offense dude but drop the tren, lower your test to 175mg/wk or so or drop it and PCT or go to your TRT dose…
You don’t need those drugs right now. I would suggest getting on a glp-1 and getting your BF way down.
Your saying your 5 weeks in, cals already down to 1900-2200 and your stalled? You literally have barely anywhere to go. Maybe 1 drop to 1700cals or so but your way away from that.
This is telling me your metabolism is not agreeing with the 3000cal maintenance. You are at maintenance. You could try a refeed to see if it will light the fire. When I say reffed i mean clean food just a higher than normal amount.