SBSG (Scrawny Bastard Support Group)

OK - I lifted 6 days last week like a madman - did 3x100db bench, 6x120bb military, 5x100 and 1x120bb curl, and 1x300 deadlift (my aching back). I also and ran up to 6 miles every other day but at my bf% it comes off slow so Im around 7 pounds down at 165 at 5’9 (I know it sounds like Im an SB but Im 29 waist, 44 chest and 15.5 arms and small frame - if only TMag could give us a page to post pics). Walked 10k last night and after 2 days away from the weights Im losing sleep thinking about my next workouts. The plan is more cardio, creatine again, and bigger lifts. Pure strength for a week or so and then go strength on some lifts (eg delts, squat and dl) and hypertrophy on others. 5x5 220 bench is the goal tonight. Nate - any body comp changes? If not, will you reconsider a zig zag (ie lose 5 pounds on dont diet, gain 5 on Massive eating) - Im sure the results will be evident sooner because you can focus on over or under eating. And sorry to bring this up bro but you said top notch eating was the key to your fat loss muscle gain plan but you are eating ice cream - I cant remember eating that even when I bulk and Id be weak eating wise by JMB’s standards. Timbo, at this rate you MAY put on 5 pounds before your T production shuts down ;). If you get obsessive about pushing greater pounds and eat CLEAN I think 2 pounds weight gain per week should be a minimum and then every few weeks you can diet off a bit a fat and do strength ala the Dre Plan. On the ab tip - I posted something in an ab thread but it got lost - any chance of some tips from the master on bringing out seratus etc pronto? Whopper, I have a friend who is 206 and 6’5 and he looks fine so id say your pastor was suffering from height envy when he said that (trust me, what Id do for your height). Use it in your workouts but outside there you shouldnt give a “sheet” because I suspect the trolls will isrease as you get bigger so id start ignoring em now. Here is some good getting big news for ya, I hear there will be a new limp bizkit album in JULY.

Just a thought - once you post a general plan regular (no less than weekly) goals on lift increases or bodyweights (increases if not actual weights) might help to keep us focused and on the right track?? OSB (original sb), - are you feelin this yo …

Just a thought - once you post a general plan regular (no less than weekly) goals on lift increases or bodyweights (increases if not actual weights) might help to keep us focused and on the right track?? OSB (original sb), - are you feelin this yo …

Sits in his chair at his computer, his shake in hand…the squat rack…just a short distance away…the bar still steaming from my sweat. The legs…shaking…unable to support me…feeling like they were dipped in hot molten lava…couldnt make it up the stairs…the vixen had to make my shake and deliver it to me…now THATS squatting…havent felt this damn good in years…the anger…the fury…the RAGE!!! Timbo…161…well that DAMN well be 170 by the first week in June or you will be BOOTED from this thread (and I WILL roast you over an open fire…JB…what is the Prot/Carbs/Fat of one pound of skinny bastard?? I NEED to know!) NATE…whats this shit about SMOOTHING OUT? What, ya joined the Timbo school for pussies? Just drop me an email if you need the addy for Richard Simmons web page bro…you need that more than T-mag! Dre…my bastion of strength…good to hear you at least are stayin true bro!! Dre…you and I will be the only ones walking down the runway at UFC…the fireworks flaring…the music blaring!! Keep the faith brother Dre…despite these accolytes of “abs and no mass” Gentlemen…we will NOT be swayed from our faith…we BELIEVE that BIGGER is BETTER (under 12% BF of course…lol…lets not go nuts here) We will NOT be tempted by having a six pack and 12 inch “guns” we will NOT have stirated obliques…and stick man legs…we…we believe in SIZE!!

Dre, I know I said I’m trying to get leaner and bigger at the same time. But it just isn’t happening. For one, I can’t stop eating. I’m consistent with my meals, but I just can’t bring myself to eat less. So I haven’t lost any weight. And I’m still using T2 and MD6. So if I want to get leaner, I better clean up the diet and cut some calories. As for training, it is going well. Got stalled on deadlifts today. I did five sets of five and two sets of four with 255lb. So I need to tear it up next week. My best deadlift has been 300lbs for one and that was when I weighed 135lbs. So I will strive for that and then some. It’s just gonna take time and determination.

Whopper, yes, I am a pussy. I’m smoothing out and looking like shit. But like I said, I can’t stop eating! I really do need to get leaner, as my bodyfat must be 14-16% and I swear I have some major bitch tits going on. That’s how I can tell I’m getting too fat. It aggravates the hell out of me. So even though I’m still determined to keep increasing my strength. I may need to take some measures to burn up some extra calories. As is, I have cut the cardio out after my weight training workouts. I’m too damn spent to do anything after the weights. And it’s usually getting late and I’m hungry. So I just go home and suck down the Surge. I am mountain biking on Tues and Thursday, but I don’t think that’s enough to help me burn up the fat. So I either need to cut some calories or increase the cardio. Or maybe a mix of both. I at least want to look decent for the summer. I’ll bulk more in the winter when I’m not walking around with my shirt off. I just feel disgusting right now. I’ll keep you posted. It’s gonna be a slow process unless I really cut calories and hike up the cardio.

Where did the other SBs go … I want to hear some diet and workout plans and other goals. Nic, you sound like you are closest here to my size and bf% (at 8% you would have an etched 6 pack and the start of some christmas tree detail on your lower back). 200 is an admirable goal and with a low bodyfat you are likely to have a higher % of your gains as lean mass if you do things right. I had a friend who got dextrose for pw and put that in with protein powder and skim in ALL of his shakes. Anything like this or whoppers meal plans would put on pounds of weight on me whereas, at best, my body will only produce 2 pounds of muscle per week on a good 4 day split with no cardio. Whilst overeating is highly anabolic, long term dieting to get back to a fair bf is catabolic to say the least so once you get a feel for how much lean mass you can pack on each week shoot for around that rate of weight gain. Even at 1 pound per week (which is probably not anabolic enough) you could put on around 30 pounds before the end of the year.

Hoser here. What’s up dawgs! I’m on week 3 of massive eating. I’m up to 2800 calories per day and my energy levels are sky high. I’m feeling dynamite in the gym and the lifts are starting to go up. I want to increase my strength before I give Whopper’s GVT a go. I’m doing a 5x5 routine right now using an Ian King-type split. Monday: flat bench/bb row, Tuesday: bent-knee deads/cuban rotations, Wednesday: cardio, Thursday: pullups/standing military press, Friday: squats/calf raises, Saturday: traps, cardio, Sunday: off. I also throw in some other exercises to supplement what I did that day and I do 20 minutes of cardio after my workouts. I plan on doing this routine for 3 more weeks, then I’ll take a week off. Then I’ll do some lower volume 1-6 stuff for 2 weeks. Then it’s time to get huge with a 4000 cal/day massive eating diet combined with Whopper’s program. I weigh about 164 right now and I am 5’8". I don’t know my bf % but I don’t really care. I can see an outline of my abs without flexing and have a six pack when I flex, so bring it on, it’s time to pack on some mass!

Ok guys, I’m not a skinny bastard, but I’m a skinny fat bastard. I’ve been trying to get lean, using massive eating combos, but it really isnt working too well. I’m one of those who can put on fat and weight pretty easy, so I know getting bigger won’t be a problem. I’m 5’10", 170, with about 15% bf (guess). I’m thinking about using Massive Eating to get up to about 190 or 195, and then hopefully dieting down should be easier from there, and i’d look a lot better once i got leaner. I’m just afraid of putting on a lot of fat, since I already have a decent amount of it already. What do you think guys, does it sound like a good idea to you all?? Let me know.

<eating a 1.25 pound triple cheeseburger without the bun> i will get massive damnit! i used to look at the mirror and be proud of my defined six pack, but now it is just mocking me and saying in a schwartzenegger like voice “look at me you little girly man. as long as i am still here you will not gain any real muscle. you think you’ve been eating a lot the past week? my 9 year old sister eats more than you. your gonna have to eat a lot more than that to get rid of me” Damn the irony. well, i have been eating nonstop the last few days and the scale still shows 170. i think i am going to start trying to down a gallon of milk throughout the day like whopper suggested. that seems like the easiest way to get in the extra cals. Dre, my fellow SB. I never thought of the pound a week thing getting me to 200 by next year. that makes it seem a lot more feasable. right now my workout isn’t really set towards major mass gains because my original plan was to keep the six pack for the summer and start the bulking in the fall. i couldn’t take being a SB that long though so i started trying to eat like a non-SB over the last week or so. i am getting ready to start phase 2 of great guns, which i do on monday and friday. my other workouts i have changed recently to try to gain more size. on sunday i do hip dominant and lower back workout, on wednesday i do shoulders, lats, and chest, and i do quad dominant and calves on thursday. i try to stick around the 10 rep range with a very controlled tempo for these workouts. i just ordered me some tribex so hopefully that will help me put on a little bit of size. i think im gonna follow the big whopper’s advice on the keeping it simple thing. i have been so busy eating and making food the last few days that i haven’t been able to get anything else done. i just ordered another bottle of flax too the other day so i plan on taking a lot more of that to get my cals up. does anyone have any recommendations on how much i should take of that? well, time to go make me a shake. later dawgs

Dre…‘sup, big dog? Or should I say SB-wannabe? Just playin’…man, you’re one solid mofo, bro. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ cuz you definitely have a solid game plan with some stellar results. It’s your favorite SB shoutin’ out to ya, wondering where the other SB’s went too:-) Now let’s get those serratus poppin’ out. I would have posted some tips earlier but I thought you were just giving me some hell. Okay, the number one exercise in my book is the Russian Twist. If you’re not familiar with them, let me know and I’ll post a separate instruction. I do them on a decline bench or similar bench with foot hooks, and I am holding a 35-pound wheel for sets of 8-10. I like to do a lot of supersets also: Russians with Oblique Bends (on back extension bench); Machine Crunches/Cable Crunches with Hanging Knee Raises; Hip Thrusts with Knee Pull-ins; (my favorite Triset) Weighted Swiss Ball Crunches with Lying Leg Raises with Pull-ins. Funny thing is I can’t get the lowest two cans in the six-pack to bulge out. I think it has to do with genetics too. Now, don’t go thinking I’m lying about achieving 4-5%, because I need not flex to see the ol’ boys, just the bottom two don’t pop out like your competitive bber’s would. And I can celebrate Christmas anytime of the year, as there’s a full Evergreen in the lower back…okay enough of the vanity. Let me know if you need additional ab tips, bro. Another post will follow addressing some other concerns.

Well, another damn complication here. I found out tonight that there is the Governers Cup Tournament in July. So I have to keep up with the Martial Arts classes…because I am going to that tourny…and gonna slip yet another gold in my dresser drawer. So I gotta figure out the caloric burn from classes and sparring, and figure out how much I got to add to the diet in terms of calories, and keep a watch that my speed doesn’t decrease as my size increases. Just another challenge…it will be managed…and I will CONTINUE to grow! Dre your right…where are the other Skinny Bastards? Once again…lots of tough talk…and when the rubber hits the road…they leave…and people wonder why they stay small year after year. Nate bro…keep eating…and lifting…if you want to post your diet…perhaps we can help a bit…see what might be tweakable…Timbo…just keep eating…you are still on my list of things I can put on the grill…as soon as JB gets back to me on your caloric content.

Later Bros! Whopper (No Rogaine, and the propane FLOWS!)

Nate, Im hoping Whopper’s squats were enough to prevent him from frisbeeing a big plate my way when I say this - ya gotta get bf in check. You sound like a beaten Tman on th fat front and I aint havin it. What you are doing is more a strength program - you can undereat and get stronger. And of course you can make yourself eat less if you try - just keep it simple. The easiest diet Ive done is storing protein powder at work and (1) having a shake and metamucil for breakfast, (2) - (4) a shake every 3 hours until (5) a post workout surge and (6) one post workout meal with moderate carbs (7) then protein and flax before dinner. Its like an MRP warrior diet and its easy to organise and psyche for and it and works. Plus you need 30 mins - 1 hour cardio 6-7 days like I’ve been doing and especially pw because the 1-2 hour all up sessions seem to just eat fat. Even Whopper approves staying under 12% and I know at my height it makes an HUGE difference to my appearance if I have a few pounds on my shoulders, gut, but etc. Glad you posted the DL pounds - the most Ive done for sets is 240 for six but we got back into it and organised on the weekend suffice to say ill be chasing your relative strength next back day.

Dre…you are friggin’ madman! Yeah, get jacked, baby. Let’s hear how the 5x5er went on the bench tonite. Goals? Hell yes, my friend, as advised by N-Dogg, I have some set in stone. If you ever hooked us up with your email addy, I’d be more than happy to share the entire list. But atop the list and probably of most concern to you is to add weight at 1.5 to 2 pounds per week. I’ve never seriously bulked before so I think this is a good starting point for me, though you may consider it conservative. When I started the 8-week phase at 155, I thought ending at 170 would be a good target, but I think I filled up some glycogen stores and returned to my 160 set-point, so 180 may be more realistic by the first of July. I am also–as I type even–in the process of planning out the new plan of attack in the gym. I have at least one workout left in me for the current plan, but I will be moving on to some more intense, heavy lifting, as advised by N-Dogg and yourself. I am definitely open to suggestions, in terms of training frequency and split, as I know you’ve had some remarkable experiences with adding mass. I’m only in the beginning stages of writing out the general plan but here goes: around 12 sets per bodypart, 2-3 exercises, 4-6 reps per set, possibly 1-2 sets of 8RM or 10RM, increase weight and/or reps each workout (if ya get 7, it’s too light), progressively incorporate heavy negatives, forced reps, rest-pause reps and partials (no training partner at this time, but I’ll just grab the closest gym rat if needed). The big exercises will be the core: cable crossovers, leg extensions, tricep kickbacks, concentration curls…no just kidding. Of course squats, DLs, inclines, military press, close-grips, dips, barbell curls and barbell benches will take priority. I haven’t done flat barbell bench for several months! Plan is to go nuckin’ futs in the gym and at the dinner table. I’ve got a good idea where I need to be at now with the calories and will make adjustments as the bodyweight rises. I’ve been one hungry beast lately and have been training with renewed vigor and intensity. Hitting the heavier poundages will only jack my ass up that much more. I’m open to any comments or questions.

Nate Dogg how many calories are you eating per day?? many carbs??
I was reading your posts about the deadlifts…I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of powerlifters and when deadlifting every single week it’s really difficult to push the poundage up each and every week…especially when squatting in another session…Seems the lower back gets a lot of residual cumulative fatigue…You might rest on the DL’s for 2 weeks or try doing them once every 10 days…I can just about guarantee you’ll see a dramatic increase.

He he - Timbo, looks like you may soon be Whoppers meal dos. Seriously, Im sold on the ab program - it looks real solid but I dont know most of the exercises - can you do a new thread on it and ill use maybe 1 superset per ab workout. NATE - I posted something about your predicament but its gone - do not throw in the towel just change tack - anyone can muster the nuts for a warrior diet so do that with a protein shake/JMB meal every 3 hours. Run 30mins to an hour every day, esp post workout, to burn fat and improve lifting work capacity. Cmon dawg do it, you just made it too hard for yourself in the fist place so go for easier and noticable goals - if you are busting your butt lifting then why not regroup, puch a little more, and reap the asthetic rewards. Glad you posted DL’s - your realative strength beats mine but I’ll be working on that. Nic and Hoser, you guys look sorted but I sure aint no SB so Ill match you lean pound for lean pound weight gain if I have to. Freshness - leaner individuals seem to get a greater % of their gains as lean so Id do a dont diet or MRP/Warrior diet with lots of cardio down to 8-10%. I can hear the flat bench callin me now …

Hey bros, as I said, I’m waiting till the end of summer to hit the calories big time. Now I’m going to continue with this diet, but the problem is that I’m not gaining at all… I’d like some suggestions on how to increase total cals.
Here we go: (I’m 5’10, 152lbs)

Meal 1:
-1 large bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and skim milk
-1.5 scoops of Advanced Protein in half a cup of skim milk
-1 tspn almond butter

Meal 2: Post-workout
-1.5 scoops of CytoPro in water
-1 ripe banana
-1 large tbsp of honey

Meal 3:
-1 can of tuna
-1 large sweet potato
-1 tspn almond butter

Meal 4:
-1 can of tuna
-1 large bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and skim milk
-1 tspn almond butter

Meal 5:
-2 glasses skim milk
-1 tspn almond butter

Meal 6:
-1 cup cottage cheese
-1 banana
-1 scoop of Advanced Protein
-1 tspn almond butter

Meal 7:
-1 skinless chicken breast
-1 sweet potato
-1 tspn almond butter

This is around 500Kcals/meal with a total of around 300g of protein.
I lift on a 5 day split and take one day off per week.
What do you think?

Whopper (The Truth)…keep the grill hot to keep your boy on his toes, my man, but don’t plan on figuring out the macros for this SB;-) lol! It’s nice to have such a determined mofo driving the bus of SBs to Massiveness!

Nic…yeah, bro! That’s what I like to hear, bro. Keep working it like you are, my man. I like the lil’ Girly Man Arnold thing. Keep us in the loop as to how things are panning out and if you’ve got any concerns. Definitely do as Whopper, N-Dogg and Dre have preached all along and stay basic. I know exactly what you’re saying about looking in the mirror and just being disgusted and ready to pack on some slabs, bro.

Hoser…welcome aboard, buddy. You’ve definitely got the attitude–read screw the abs–to get Massive. Just keep bumping up the cals, buddy, and it’ll be all good. I think you’ve got a good strategy with developing strength. Work hard these next couple weeks and get those lifts way up!

peanut butter - chunky just peanuts kind

Timbo, that’s not a christmas tree on your lower back, that’s just your spine sticking out through the skin! LOL! Sorry bro, I had to do it! LMAO!

Okay T-brothers. Help a short, fat guy out here. I’ve already gained 10-12 pounds in the last couple months. With summer around the corner, it’s time to shed the extra layer of fat on my stomach and get these damn bitch tits to go away! So here’s my diet/workout plan and all pertinent stats: 26, 5’4", 150-152lbs, approximately 14-16% bodyfat.

Training is as follows. Monday: Deadlifts, Seated Rows, Close-grip benches. Tuesday: Mountain biking. Wednesday: Weighted pull-ups, Standing overhead press, shrugs, calves. Thursday: Mountain biking. Friday: Front squats, bench presses, dips/curls. I stretch and do abs prior to the weight workouts. All sets/reps are done in the 5x5 system.

Now for diet. BREAKFAST: one pack of Grow with 16oz skim milk, 8-10 oz OJ, multivitamin, fish oils, T2, MD6, Vit C&E. SNACK: 8 oz cottage cheese (lowfat), banana. LUNCH: meatloaf, baked potato, veggies, 8 oz yogurt. SNACK: 8 oz cottage cheese, apple, T2, MD6. POSTWORKOUT: Surge on weight training days, Grow on nonweight training days. DINNER: Chicken breast, potato, veggies. BEDTIME: 3 caps ZMA (This is what today's menu will look like). Okay, so what can I do? A typical day like this comes out to about 3,000 calories with 200-300 grams protein, 300-400 grams carbs and about 80 grams of fat. I've been following this type of meal plan for the last few months. And in that time, I've gained weight and smoothed out. Now I'm holding steady at 150-152lbs. Should I cut some calories? If so, what? Should I try to do more exercise? Sprinting? When? Help me!

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to Nate Doggie Dog from the Massive eating thread. Due to his excessive bodyfat, he has contracted “Timboitis” a disease known primarily to T-men and ACE personal trainers, which causes extreme dieting, massive amounts of cardio, and abs to appear while the rest of the body shrinks away. While we cannot CONDONE this behavior, we understand it, considering it is summer time, and we just wish Nate a speedy recovery. Seriously bro…when I bulk…I always try to keep the BF no higher than 12-14% but am willing to let it pop up to 15% if I am feeling like I am making good size gains.