Standing Press
110 x12,10+2
+ Lat Pull Down, NG
160 2x12
255 2x12
So out of shape already. Gasping for air after each set
DB Flat Bench Press
60’s 2x12
+ 1 Arm DB Row
60 2x12
Row to hip, no twisting
Cable Pressdown
65 2x12
+ EZ Bar Curl
90x8 Whoops! Plate math failure
Reverse Pec Deck
Only did 2 sets per exercise since I’m coming back from a layoff and I’ll do this for the whole training week. I suspect this was still enough to put me the hurt locker for a few days. Managed to finish in under an hour and a half
High Bar Squat
205 2x12
Felt a bit light. Oh well, more runway for takeoff
BTN Press, paused on traps
Kinda hurt. Left shoulder feels bound up at that angle. The weight is light, but the position is unstable. Find the groove first then put on more weight
BW 5x5
Seated Incline DB Curls
35s 2x12
EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extension
75 2x12
DB Rear Delt Fly
25s 2x12
Already adapting. The squats tonight weren’t as taxing as the deads on Monday and my levers aren’t advantageous for squatting.
For the BTN pressing I always kept it short range of motion. It definitely hits the shoulders different though and I enjoy doing it. I really like doing them in a smith machine.
Log Press
115x12, 10+2
Plenty of strength but no gas to run it on the second set
Close Neutral Grip Pulldown
Wish the cable had more travel on this machine.
Hatfield Squat with Marrs Bar
245 2x12
Using Marrs Bar because the gym’s SSB doesn’t have long enough handles to counterbalance. Wants to slip off if you stand fully upright.
Might have gone too heavy on this. Adductors started cramping, which I half expected to happen anyway
Dips, paused
BW 2x12
+ Seated Cable Row
160 2x12
Pin-Paused Close Grip Bench Press
125 2x12
+ Seated DB Hammer Curls
40’s 2x12
Temperature is back above freezing this week. I notice a diminishing of the desire to cocoon.
Missed this morning’s workout with friends due to Drs appt, but hopefully I have enough spunk to hit the gym after work. The gym that is moving sometime soon, I know not where, yet.
California-to-Chicago transplant discovers that icy stairs should indeed be taken seriously.
TWO falls, No injuries, would have made a good video clip.
Winter weeds out the inattentive/ignorant.
Sorry to hear about the fall(s). I don’t envy you. It snowed here a few weeks ago (rarely ever happens). I went outside, shoveled the driveway and then went back in and didn’t walk back out for three days.