Still beating last week’s numbers. Got to add 15 lbs to bench since I got 6 reps over base on last week’s AMRAP. Really surprised I got 12 on all 5 sets of overhead. 90 was a struggle last time. Perhaps when it’s time for log something similar will happen.
Bull Mastiff, Week 3 Day 3
Deadlift Day
325 3x6, 12
Front Squat
145 5x12
Lat pulldown
160 2x13
165 2x13
Seated Leg Curl/Leg Extension
115 4x13/60 4x14
Suitcase Farmer’s walk (slow walk)
100 4x50ft
I think tonight is the worst its going to get.
Oh, and I think I got pickpocketed waiting to cross the street to get to my car. Had my wallet in my gym bag when I left for the gym. Didn’t have it when I came back.
High Bar Squat
255 4x5, 8
Left neck and rhomboid were spasming something awful. Glad I somehow managed to pick a thicker bar than usual for this. Relieved some of the pressure
RDL (no lockout)
250 3x10
Barbell Row
160 3x12
Seated Leg Curl/Extension
120 3x12/70 3x10
Roman Chair Leg Raises
12, 10, 11
Leg press Calves
270 3x12
Well, that was a little less stressful, but it didn’t feel like a deload as was claimed in the program.
I just did a couple of blocks with the axle and it felt great on the back and even on the shoulders as the hands seem to be in a better position. Switched back to the bar for the this week and it felt great. Really stable and almost easier. Would deff recommend.