Most of you are probably sitting there wondering who this guy is and why I am posting a thread about him. He was an australian body builder and he had a heart attack on stage. I myself was going too attend the show but had work instead, prayers go out too the family and everyone involved.
That sucks… Also generally, can’t be good for bodybuilding. More bad publicity.
Was that at Dallas Brooks Hall in Melbourne man? Where Ronnie was guest posing?
[quote]bams_101 wrote:
Was that at Dallas Brooks Hall in Melbourne man? Where Ronnie was guest posing? [/quote]
Yeah it was. I wasn’t there when it happened, but I saw big ron. I think it’s pretty safe to call someone ‘big’ when their mid and lower traps can be seen through a t-shirt.
Sad day for bodybuilding though.
[quote]danchubb wrote:
bams_101 wrote:
Was that at Dallas Brooks Hall in Melbourne man? Where Ronnie was guest posing?
Yeah it was. I wasn’t there when it happened, but I saw big ron. I think it’s pretty safe to call someone ‘big’ when their mid and lower traps can be seen through a t-shirt.
Sad day for bodybuilding though. [/quote]
Yeah man, its pretty safe to assume that all aussies would be amazed by coleman…I was gonna go but had to work so it sorta sucked
This was in The Age, didn’t mention name or say he died though just mentioned he collapsed; at the end of a small human interest story on the comp.
i met gary at the weigh in at my work (doherty’s gym city). he didnt look ill or in freaky condition. rumour is that he had an underlying heart condition and was using dieuretics. sad day for bodybuilding but it should highlight the risk of using anabolics and dieuretics…
oh and isnack… your pic is in the change room of athletique health club!! LOL’D when i realised
[quote]Davius wrote:
oh and isnack… your pic is in the change room of athletique health club!! LOL’D when i realised[/quote]
it’s sad that you recognized my gyms toilets, have you trained there before? in 20 days or so I’m going to start training at definition as its hell of a lot closer for me(i live in doncaster). I’ve been tempted to go and try out doherty’s but I’m afraid I’d be a tiny fish in a huge ocean, almost the same situation at athletique.
Yes he died, and yes it was at the dallas brooks center, I was going to go but I had work til 2 and it was my leg day, so figured big ron would understand that it was time too train the wheels.
yeah i’ve been to athletique a few times. i normally train at 5 star as its the closest for me. i hate it but its convenient. do you compete or plan to? coz athletique has some great prep guys.
Sweet some guys from Vic are on here! Davius, where bouts are you? obviously near thomo is your near 5 star. Have you tried out the new gym in south morang Powercore??
[quote]Davius wrote:
yeah i’ve been to athletique a few times. i normally train at 5 star as its the closest for me. i hate it but its convenient. do you compete or plan to? coz athletique has some great prep guys.[/quote]
maybe in 2011, I’m still unsure and need too get a heck of a lot bigger. Once I’m one of the bigger guys at Athletique(the guys from a1 are massive) I’ll consider it. I do not like the prospect of doing a show for the hell of it, If I compete - I’m in it too win it. I went too one of the shows last month at camberwell town hall, I was taken slightly aback when I noticed how many units were in the crowd. I dragged my dad along as none of my friends seemed that interested in going and we both had a great time, as it was our first show.
But yeah anytime I talk to the owner or any of the trainers at Athletique I always learn something new, it’s been a great enviroment for me and the only negative thing I can say about the gym is at best its a 15 minute drive to get there.
[quote]Davius wrote:
i met gary at the weigh in at my work (doherty’s gym city). he didnt look ill or in freaky condition. rumour is that he had an underlying heart condition and was using dieuretics. sad day for bodybuilding but it should highlight the risk of using anabolics and dieuretics…
RIP GARY![/quote]
but it should highlight the risk of using diuretics.
Fixed that for you.
he had an undiagnosed heart condition, it was unrelated too steroid use, my prayers go out too his family.
yeah i live in bundoora… i’ve been to powercore but i dont like the crowd. i normally train in the morning around 10. which show did you go to see at camberwell? i competed in my first show INBA Vics a few weeks ago. Teen division. we had 14 in our div. some great guys. 2nd place was 6’3" and 100kg on stage. i did my own prep. my water manipulation wasnt great and my colour was terrible. gold bronze dream tan instead of red bronze! all separation was washed out. i dropped 20 kg in 15 weeks before the show which was a victory anyway. if i had 2-3 nore weeks it would have been great. 7.8% BF on stage but its not enuf.
How old are you vic boys?
I’m 22, I think it was september 21st? it was nabba,wnbf(maybe?). It was a show run by the owner of athletique.
[quote]Detroitlionsbaby wrote:
Davius wrote:
i met gary at the weigh in at my work (doherty’s gym city). he didnt look ill or in freaky condition. rumour is that he had an underlying heart condition and was using dieuretics. sad day for bodybuilding but it should highlight the risk of using anabolics and dieuretics…
but it should highlight the risk of using diuretics.
Fixed that for you.[/quote]
To be fair, AAS will elevate blood pressure, so if you have an unstable heart condition, you could definitely have issues.
On the other hand, my guess is that diuretics were the far more dangerous thing for this guy to be using.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
Detroitlionsbaby wrote:
Davius wrote:
i met gary at the weigh in at my work (doherty’s gym city). he didnt look ill or in freaky condition. rumour is that he had an underlying heart condition and was using dieuretics. sad day for bodybuilding but it should highlight the risk of using anabolics and dieuretics…
but it should highlight the risk of using diuretics.
Fixed that for you.
To be fair, AAS will elevate blood pressure, so if you have an unstable heart condition, you could definitely have issues.
On the other hand, my guess is that diuretics were the far more dangerous thing for this guy to be using.[/quote]
Pretty sure unless he died of Heart failure, stroke, or coronary artery disease AAS (via hypertension)could not possibly of had a part (correct me if I am wrong though).
[quote]iSnack2.0 wrote:
I’m 22, I think it was september 21st? it was nabba,wnbf(maybe?). It was a show run by the owner of athletique.[/quote]
yeah i went to that… too many chick divisions though. drained my life.
[quote]Detroitlionsbaby wrote:
waylanderxx wrote:
Detroitlionsbaby wrote:
Davius wrote:
i met gary at the weigh in at my work (doherty’s gym city). he didnt look ill or in freaky condition. rumour is that he had an underlying heart condition and was using dieuretics. sad day for bodybuilding but it should highlight the risk of using anabolics and dieuretics…
but it should highlight the risk of using diuretics.
Fixed that for you.
To be fair, AAS will elevate blood pressure, so if you have an unstable heart condition, you could definitely have issues.
On the other hand, my guess is that diuretics were the far more dangerous thing for this guy to be using.
Pretty sure unless he died of Heart failure, stroke, or coronary artery disease AAS (via hypertension)could not possibly of had a part (correct me if I am wrong though).[/quote]
I’m not sure, but I know if you have a heart condition becoming too heavy can cause you some problems. I definitely believe it had 99% to do with reaching extreme leanness and then using a diuretic on top of that though. Just saying, AAS could definitely compound the problem.