Ryan's T-Mag Plan for Success

Currently im using the t-dawg diet along with melt down training… after a week off (if i reach my desired body fat goals) i will make the transition to massive eating. My question is how can i re-establish carbs into my diet-because i will be going from about 20% to 50% how many more carbs should i have a day?? and calories? Because if i use the 6 week transition-by the time i hit the designed mark…my massive eating will be almost done.

i like to plan ahead so if my goals go as i want it will look like this. All my workouts will be comming from Poloquins trends in strength training and The arms race. I’ll always be using flax and fish oil and vitimins. and lo-carb mrp

Massive eating- 50%carbs,35%protien, 15% fat
for 8 weeks. incorperating fats before my workout and carbs after. supplementing with Cell-tech(sorry but i have 7 pounds laying around, im going to put it to use) ALA at 2000mg a day because of my high calories. whey protein.
week off

My next phase will be using the massive eating maintenence intake for 8 weeks, using the stagger method with fat and crabs and macros being 40% cabrs and protien and 20% fat
supplementing with creatine whey, and dextrose pre\post workout. maybe some ECA
week off
then my next 8 week phase using the don’t diet method macros 50%protien-30%fat and 20% carbs.taper method…supplementing with whey,dextrose post only, glutamine, bccaa’s maybe creatine and zma…i’ll also use some ECA stack and ALA on carb up day/.

this is hopfully if everything is going how i want… i like to plan ahead this is all subject to channge. i only kno my exact training program for the first phase. whare in the first half my tempos will be disigned for mass gain, and the second half my tempos designed for strength gain
I need to have a cheat meal or reffeed everyweek…so i will go with 1x a week…and maybe i’ll reward my self another at the end of a phase or an extra carb up, or controlled reffeed, if my goals are in line,should i do this? or is 1 cheat a week already enough?..im going to evaluate my self every 4 weeks-to keep my calories and macros up to date.

another question when im couting my macros should i use cals, or grams? because this is difficult wile im at college… even though i bring measuring spoons and cups to the cafeteria and measure my food wqhen no one is looking… My cardio throughout will be 3x’s a week BJJ i think that should b enough it gets pretty intense.
i kno this is allot but id appreciated it if u could take a look and give some oppinions on what needs to be changed or whatever… i’ll keep u updated though

You know, people might be willing to help if you bothered to punctuate, capitalize and spell properly. Not perfectly, but Jesus, make some attempt! It’s a good lesson to learn, kid. I’m not being an asshole here.

this is online… not my final essay for english… it is understandable… i was in hurry to get to english class.

Up this…last time