[quote]DJG831 wrote:
Hey guys, new to the forum so ill introduce myself,
Im DJG, been boxing for 10 years, weight training only for 2.
Im 5"8 weigh 13 stone, BF around 12% (I weighed 9 stone 2 years ago)
Current goal: size
I have been training on a body part split for the last 12 weeks which has looked like:
Monday: Chest / Triceps
Tuesday: Back / Biceps
Wed: off
Thurs: Legs / Arms
Fri: Shoulders
I do a week @ 5x5 then a week at 3x15 then a week @ 4x8
Personally, if I was going to do this split I would switch thursday and friday so that my triceps were not sore when I did shoulder presses.
Any reason, you are doing everything once a week except for arms which you are doing twice?
I have seen some good gains in strength and size but am looking for a pure size building programme to do for the next 6 to 8 weeks.
My diet is currently eating around 500 kcal’s more than my daily required
Any suggestions on what I can mix up / change / tweak?!?!
Personally, if I was going to do this split I would switch thursday and friday so that my triceps were not sore when I did shoulder presses.
Any reason, you are doing everything once a week except for arms which you are doing twice?
Hi DJS, thanks for the reply, My arms were lagging behind, especially my Triceps, so I wanted to work them twice, on of those on a day when my arms were fresh which is why I chose a legs day. I get your point about switching my shoulders to the thurs.
Assuming that your exercise selection is good, your split seems pretty solid.
If you are looking to change things up, try pairing chest with bis and back with tri’s if you arms need to come up. The reason being, you’ll be able to hit tri’s much harder when you pair them with back as they are not fatigued from all the pressing while working chest. Same goes for the bi’s.
I would then drop the extra arm day you have in there and just give them extra time for recovery.
And, keep in mind, that if you have gained weight you need to relook at your calorie intake and make sure it is appropriate. A 500 k/cal surplus at 12 stone is a lot more food than a 500 k/cal surplus at 9 stone. So make sure you are adjusting your calories up as you put on size. Common sense, but a lot of people seem to calculate their needs in the beginning and never adjust as they put on size.