I have basically created my own workout program being inspired by Stronglifts and Starting strenth, or Reg Park. On Sundays I do Deadlifts 5 sets of 5 with as heavy weight as I can do with that many reps which right now is 300 lbs. I then do Barbell rows 5 sets of 5 with around 135 pounds, and then I have been doing barbell shrugs with 165 pounds 3 sets of ten, holding at the top. Honestly this workout makes me thrashed and want to pass out sometimes.
Then on Tuesdays I have been doing heavy EZ bar curls 5 sets of 5 with around 100 lbs. Then Overhead presses 5 sets of 5 with 135 lbs. And assorted martial arts gripping exercises using whey protein containers filled with gravel. Then end that workout with farmer walks with 100 pounds in each hand until I am toast.
Then on Thursday I have been doing flat Bench press 5 sets of 5 with 185 lbs, though I plan to increase it to 200 lbs this week. Then incline Bench 3 sets of 10 with 135 pounds, Decline Bench 3 sets of 10 with 115. Skull Crushers with EZ curl bar 3 sets of 10 with 75 lbs. And if I can manage I’ll sometimes finish off with dips.
So a few questions one is why do stronglifts and starting strength only call for 1 set of 5 reps on deadlifts? Should I be increasing my deadlift weight to like 400 lb to get a good workout from only 5 reps? And I don’t go to a gym and don’t have any way to do a convential squat. Maybe I should start powercleaning the most weight I can and do front squats? On which day should I do that? Or add sumo deadlifts ad or hack squats? I really only want to work out three days because the rest is for martial arts and family time. And I hear this alot but is it really necessary to work my legs? I have huge quads already and 19 inch calve muscles naturally. Anyways any routine advice would be helpful.