Rotator Cuff Surgery, Work on Lower Body?

Hi Jim, I’m about to go in for rotator cuff surgery. With this being something you worked through, do you have any advice for training what is trainable so that I can try and maintain some lower body strength while I’m unable to move my arm during recovery?
I’ve invested in a safety squat bar so I can squat when I’m able to have weight on my shoulder.

Any advice / suggestions on exercises etc that can be done while being limited? I’ll be in a sling for 6 weeks. I hear I wont want to do crap for the first couple of weeks so I’m planning on trying to start something on the 3rd week that wont affect my shoulder.

Thank you!

Check out the entire article on Tnation called “Jim Wendler is in Rehab”. It details everything I did.

Good luck and be patient. And since you got an SS bar, you can squat. What else do you have to do? Hip thrusts? Chain suspended dumbbell rows with a Zotmann twist?

Thank you Sir.
I actually found your article last night, very helpful!!

I am thoroughly impressed that you got full motion after 6 weeks. Im lucky if the surgeon will actually allow passive movement 6 weeks after surgery. Then at that point they are stiff as hell and suck to get motion back.