Can anyone give me a good legit source to get roids? Preferably deca, but I’ll go for anything. Thanks.

You have got to be kidding me. If anyone ends up giving you a “legit” source, you can be sure it isn’t. Information like that is not posted on a public messege board. Try making friends with some of the juicers around your gym. That way, you’ll not only have a source, but you’ll also have some guidence.

Yeah, your going to get the same response anywhere. Before you think about doing that you should consider how long and hard you have been lifting. I bet its not hard and intelligently as you think it is. Also, sit back and ask yorself if this is an impulse or a good thought out desicion. The stuff costs a lot, it may be fake when you get it, or it may make you sick. Also the gains may not be what you expect or they may wind up in the toilet. Just something to think about before you go down that route. You should take pride in being clean, it takes balls.

Ken, check out Reader Mail tomorrow when issue #117 is posted, and note TC’s mention that the DEA probably reads this site. Nobody in their right mind would post any legit information openly about sources, nor should you expect them to. I have no advice for you on the topic, and suggest to you and anyone else reading this that the Test Forum isn’t the place for this.
