Online Source.

I’m looking for a legitimate/reliable online source. If anyone can help me out shoot me a pm, i’d gladly pay for the info.

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Don’t hold your breath.

HAHA wow now that’s a new one!! The trolls are getting funnier these days!

And here’s some advice coming from the newest of the new: you’re on the wrong site for that type of advice. Take a few minutes to look through some of these other posts and you’ll wish you never asked the question.

Looks like we have another possible police enforcement patrol on the net again!

Come on guys! Where are all the funny “RoidsR’” jokes. Is this getting that old already???

[quote]Kruiser wrote:
Come on guys! Where are all the funny “RoidsR’” jokes. Is this getting that old already???[/quote]


Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context. But anyways, all i’m asking is if anyone has had any success with some of the overseas websites before I waste my money and get ripped. And as far as knowing anything i’m a newbie but have friends who are more experienced.

One of my buddies told me to go with an anavar/andriol oral stack to start out and from what i’ve read that sounds like the way to go. But again if anyone has had success with any of the obvious websites i’d really like to know all I can do is tell you i’m not a cop.

[quote]jyoung86 wrote:
Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context. But anyways, all i’m asking is if anyone has had any success with some of the overseas websites before I waste my money and get ripped. And as far as knowing anything i’m a newbie but have friends who are more experienced.

One of my buddies told me to go with an anavar/andriol oral stack to start out and from what i’ve read that sounds like the way to go. But again if anyone has had success with any of the obvious websites i’d really like to know all I can do is tell you i’m not a cop.[/quote]

Yes, of course some overseas sources are legit. I wouldn’t count on any of the Anavar being legit though. It’s so expensive that it’s usually fake. If you can get the name brand Italian stuff, then do that, that would run you about $400 and up for a decent oral cycle though. Andriol is garbage, I’ve never heard a single experienced person recommend it, unless of course you meant ANADROL, which is a totally different story.

[quote]jyoung86 wrote:
Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context. But anyways, all i’m asking is if anyone has had any success with some of the overseas websites before I waste my money and get ripped. And as far as knowing anything i’m a newbie but have friends who are more experienced.

One of my buddies told me to go with an anavar/andriol oral stack to start out and from what i’ve read that sounds like the way to go. But again if anyone has had success with any of the obvious websites i’d really like to know all I can do is tell you i’m not a cop.[/quote]

So, just get it where your buddies are getting it.

[quote]jyoung86 wrote:
Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context. But anyways, all i’m asking is if anyone has had any success with some of the overseas websites before I waste my money and get ripped. And as far as knowing anything i’m a newbie but have friends who are more experienced.

One of my buddies told me to go with an anavar/andriol oral stack to start out and from what i’ve read that sounds like the way to go. But again if anyone has had success with any of the obvious websites i’d really like to know all I can do is tell you i’m not a cop.[/quote]

I was gonna say, ask your buddy’s where to get the gear, but after seeing them giving you advice to stack oral’s for your first cycle, maybe your better off sticking around and doing some research on Steroids and a first cycle, instead of where to buy them.

[quote]jyoung86 wrote:
Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context. [/quote]

And clearly you don’t understand how this forum operates.

Did you expect “Hey man go deposit $50bucks into my paypal account and I’ll tell you all my steroid sources even though I have no idea who you are!!”

email this posting to a friend s.f. bayarea craigslist > north bay > sporting goods
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Steroids, decca, dbol, winstrol, androl - $1

Date: 2007-08-06, 12:51PM PDT

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[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
jyoung86 wrote:
Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context.

And clearly you don’t understand how this forum operates.

Did you expect “Hey man go deposit $50bucks into my paypal account and I’ll tell you all my steroid sources even though I have no idea who you are!!”


To be honest yes, that’s exactly what I expected.

Much thanks kstronge, I never thought about checking craigslist.

[quote]jyoung86 wrote:
CrewPierce wrote:
jyoung86 wrote:
Yeah obviously you people have no clue how law enforcement operate, i’m sure someone would come on public forums and ask in that context.

And clearly you don’t understand how this forum operates.

Did you expect “Hey man go deposit $50bucks into my paypal account and I’ll tell you all my steroid sources even though I have no idea who you are!!”

To be honest yes, that’s exactly what I expected.[/quote]

Hahahahahahahahahaha! for real!!! hahahahahaha…FUCK OFF!

Yeah wings believe it or not everything has a price regardless. :slight_smile:


Why do you guys keep replying to these idiots?

He expects to be handed a source just because he asked for one.

I know that no one with a functioning brainstem would give this kid a real source - but if he were to just be ignored, he would go away.

This is the problem with cheap gear. Everyone wants in, and none of the newbs seem to want to do any of the work required to be a part of this community.

It’s no wonder that busts and seizures are up. With idiots like this kid flooding the boards - greed will take over, and someone will sell something to them.

These newbs are going to be the death of our community.