Rogers Made Fedor Mortal

After watching the Fedor-Rogers fight, my esteem for Brett Rogers has gone up 20 fold, he not Overeem should have been made Strikfroce champ, and he truly is a top notch fighter. I was apprehensive about the fight, because Rogers despite a handful of matches is an unknown all around and on the ground, so noone can say if he is truly a beast or a just a can smasher.

His whole pregame strategy of not overestimating Fedor, and ‘he is just a man,’ mentality, actually worked for him. In not glamourizing him, we see one of the most dominant and promising performances against Fedor EVER. Randleman slammed Fedor on his back with a suplex, while ti was flashy tho, it cannot compare to Brett Rogers’ first round performance, I man Jesus, Rogers went SECOND ROUND with Emelianenko.

While Fedor triumphed in the end, noone except for the least educated MMA fans expected Rogers to go as far as he did, most thought this to be a Fedor-Zulu 2 card for comical entertainment.

Rogers has earned my respect, there were truly times in the first round where I thought Fedor might lose, he looked wounded and mortal.

  1. Broke Fedor’s nose with a punch that normally ends the fight in the first seconds of the match.
  2. Escaped a Fedor Submission, (something unbelievable for a guy not ground tested).
  3. Stood up twice out of grappling with Fedor.
  4. G & P’ed Fedor effectively, and nearly could have ended the fight there.

Rogers gained the world’s respect in this fight, what do you all think?

Fedor was bleeding from that jab he ran into.
Also, he got some 2-4 GnP shots.

Apart from that, he was constantly going forward. He never flinched, save for the moment he nearly soccerkicked Rogers :wink:

Fedor looked mortal in a LOT of fights for a moment, let me remind you:
When the korean Golitath buried him twice,
when Hunt had an Americana in,
when Fujita knocked him good and he was staggering,
when Arlovski succesfully established distance and looked strong for a couple of exchanged,

I happened before.

Rogers definitely looked great, he could hang with UFC heavies, no doubt.

I just watched the fight a couple more times. When I first watched it live I though, “DAMN, this thing is close!” and I thought Rogers actually won the first round.

But that was just heat-of-the-moment emotion.

I re-watched it 3 times since, and it’s clear that Fedor dominated 85% of that fight, first round included. He got takedowns, he landed a few solid punches (some which helped execute a takedown), he attempted numerous subs, he was CLEARLY the aggressor, chasing Rogers around, was on top most of the time they were on the ground, etc., etc.

The only thing that made it look like Fedor was in trouble was all the blood that was coming from his nose, but that didn’t really affect him. Subtract the visual of the blood from the equation and it’s pretty clear that Fedor won the first round, and we all know what happened in the second.

Lots and lots of Fedor’s fights go through periods where it looks like he’s “in trouble.” But he always pulls out a win. That’s why he’s so revered. He’s got a hell of an MMA mind, and skill set.

Rogers got KTFO. I give him credit for the fact that his head didn’t fly off into the crowd.

To me, performances like this are why Fedor is Fedor.

He always remains calm under fire. When most fighters lose their focus, he is at his most dangerous.

The Randleman suplex is the best example of this. That suplex would have killed most mortals. For Fedor, it created an oppurtunity to strike while Randleman was overconfident in his position.

Just when someone thinks they have Fedor where the want him, BAM KTFO.

Seriously people!!! Fedor KO’s a guy in rd 2. A guy who was undefeated…who KO’d everyone he’s fought including Mr. Andre “I had Fedor, I swear!” Arlovski. Just because the guy didn’t fucking trip entering the cage doesn’t mean he came close man. What is it w/ people? Fedor is great. A legend. He could retire right now this second and be the greatest ever. No debate. 31-1. Just admit some appreciation and be done with it. The fact that Rogers landed one jab and a couple of shots when he was on top means little. ANY other fighter in the world except Fedor, and we’d be saying how dominating he was. Fedor was, what, 30-40 lbs lighter. Still wins easily1 Give some credit!

LOL…at this thread title. Really? As if this was the epic moment that Fedor FINALLY seemed vulnerable. It seems most are so determined to discredit anything Fedor these days.

To say that Rogers made Fedor “mortal” kind of gives the notion that maybe YOU underestimated Rogers to begin with. And just maybe those who are “shocked” give Fedor this God status and expect him to not bleed or get in awkward situations.

The fact that Rogers made it to the SECOND ROUND(omg!) is significant is even more ridiculous.

I could understand all of this…and it would make a hell of a lot more sense…IF this had gone to decision. To me,that would make Fedor look “mortal” if anything…BUT getting KTFO early in second round certainly doesn’t.

And not to take anything from Rogers…but Fedor’s unfamiliarity with fighting in a cage definitely was a huge factor. Rogers wasn’t able to take advantage of it like he could have…other than the short GnP and escaping that armbar.

Fedor was clearly having some trouble with the cage. In the middle of the ring, Fedor was controlling the fight and taking Brett down at will. When he was pushed up against the cage, his quickness and technique were pretty much neutralized and Brett beat him up. Of course there are chinks in his armor, but Fedor still knocked out a big, talented fighter in a little over 5 minutes without ever being in serious danger.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
Fedor’s unfamiliarity with fighting in a cage definitely was a huge factor. Rogers wasn’t able to take advantage of it like he could have…other than the short GnP and escaping that armbar. [/quote]

Good point, I think the fight would have been over earlier had it been held in a ring and not a cage, with an armbar near the apron of the ring.

Round 1 was a very close round. What I think is important is that rogers with his limited wrestling and BJJ reversed Fedor.

This fight makes me really want to see Fedor vs Carwin or Fedor vs Lesnar.

I think Dana should send Carwin over to challenge him in a co promotion. Will never happen but I can dream.

Too many people on this board listen to FAR TOO MUCH press hype for fights. For shame! You know who you are.

My thoughts:

  1. Rogers is better than I thought, but still not that great and would get crushed by most experienced heavy’s in the UFC.

  2. Guys like Nog and Fedor who know how to use theirs size (or lack there of) in the Heavy Weight category are really good because they can keep a level head, and think like a chess player, not a bruiser.

  3. Fedor almost soccer kicked Rogers in the head! Love it!

  4. I’d really like to see Fedor fight in the UFC.

You guys are retarded the first round wasn’t CLOSE AT ALL. I really wasn’t worried at all when I was watching it…seriosuly people were we watching the same fight. Fedor pretty much DOMINATED the whole fight throwing Rogers around, and landing effective punches. Sure Rogers got a few punches on him.

YOU ARE ALL ACTING AS IF OMG FEDOR ACTUALLY GOT HIT! Listen people it’s a fight…if you’ve ever been in one…you WILL get hit, same thing with Fedor. Everyone saying Rogers is so good he got some hits on Fedor…whoopdie doo it’s a part of the game…chances are your going to get hit, and all you do is move enough and have good footwork to avoid it.

I’m not surprised it went to the 2nd round…as everyone else seems to be in AWE of it.
First round even was said it was a feeler. Fedor hasn’t fought someone that big in a while who actually has KO power etc. so he felt it out, studied Rogers…2nd round bam.

Nothing against Rogers…but his attitude was shit after the fight anyways. Like I said in another thread…you just lost to one of the greatest MMA fighters…you should be honored…not I shoulda, coulda, woulda. Sour grapes.

Where we watching the same fight? Round 1 was very close. The most damage done was by Rogers.

I personally want to see a rematch in a year or so.

Fucking noobs and their nooby threads. gay.

Round 1 was not close. I’d love to see the Compustrike stats on it. Rounds are scored based on who lands more strikes, who gets more takedowns, who makes more submission attempts, and who is more of the aggressor.

So . . .

a.) I didn’t count the strikes, but it was probably damn close overall. If Rogers did land more, it was only probably by a very small margin.

b.) Fedor executed at least a couple of takedowns. Rogers executed none.

c.) Fedor made numerous submission attempts. Rogers? None.

d.) Fedor was the aggressor 80-90% of the time in that round. Chasing Rogers around, getting top position the great majority of the time they were on the ground, following up strikes with takedowns, and takedowns with sub attempts, basically stalking the guy.

Which fight were you watching again . . . ?

[quote]John S. wrote:
Where we watching the same fight? Round 1 was very close. The most damage done was by Rogers.

I personally want to see a rematch in a year or so.[/quote]

[quote]John S. wrote:
Where we watching the same fight? Round 1 was very close. The most damage done was by Rogers.

I personally want to see a rematch in a year or so.[/quote]

watch it again… and rogers only landed 3-4 punches and threw some mediocre knees to his legs. That cut was also a cut you can see in the prefight video that was just recently healed. If scored on ring control take downs damage done etc… That round was not close at all

[quote]John S. wrote:
Where we watching the same fight? Round 1 was very close. The most damage done was by Rogers.

I personally want to see a rematch in a year or so.[/quote]

WTF,rematch for what? And how can you say RND 1 was close…yet claim Rogers did the most damage?


You guys are all making me out to be some fanboy noob, when I’ve watched Pride from the beginning, I know all the storied bouts and saw them when they happened.

I didn’t say Rogers owned Fedor, or even came remotely close to beating him.
What I’m saying is this unknnown nobody fighter, took on the best figher, and did not get owned like so many others have.

He stood his ground in round 1, you all say OMG REWATCH the fight. The guy is a community college wrestler who escaped & stood from, one of the greatest sambo masters in Russia.

This fight does not say Fedor sucks, Fedor is the best, but Rogers willpower and determination in that first round created one of the best showings against Fedor we’ve seen.

I had my money that Rogers was going down like Zulu, instead he danced with him the first round, actually got aggressive and made it to round two where he was rocked like a 10 year old school boy. All that said, Rogers did a million times better than anticipated, and should consider this fight a stepping stone in his career.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
John S. wrote:
Where we watching the same fight? Round 1 was very close. The most damage done was by Rogers.

I personally want to see a rematch in a year or so.

WTF,rematch for what? And how can you say RND 1 was close…yet claim Rogers did the most damage?



At what part did Fedor dominate him in round 1? Was it where he got jabbed in the face and got his noes broken? Was it where he got put up against the fence and had his legs kneed? Was it when he got reversed on the ground?

Now don’t get me wrong Fedor did a lot of good things too, took him down, went for repeated submissions.

Rogers did more damage, but every time Rogers tried something Fedor had a submission in the works.

Take off your I love fedor glasses and watch the fight.

I think Rogers is going to take a lot away from this fight. I would like to see what he will look like a year from now vs Fedor. I think it will be another great match.

[quote]John S. wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
John S. wrote:
Where we watching the same fight? Round 1 was very close. The most damage done was by Rogers.

I personally want to see a rematch in a year or so.

WTF,rematch for what? And how can you say RND 1 was close…yet claim Rogers did the most damage?


At what part did Fedor dominate him in round 1? Was it where he got jabbed in the face and got his noes broken? Was it where he got put up against the fence and had his legs kneed? Was it when he got reversed on the ground?

Now don’t get me wrong Fedor did a lot of good things too, took him down, went for repeated submissions.

Rogers did more damage, but every time Rogers tried something Fedor had a submission in the works.

Take off your I love fedor glasses and watch the fight.

I think Rogers is going to take a lot away from this fight. I would like to see what he will look like a year from now vs Fedor. I think it will be another great match.[/quote]

To bad they will never fight again, get over it… you seem to be moving away from your original claim that it was a close round. Yes rogers will take a lot away from this fight… when you fight someone better then you, you will learn quite a bit.

I would even be willing to argue the most damage done… rogers best strike was a jab that didn’t phase fedor, and fedors best strike in that round nearly knocked rogers out.

I’m not going to lie, when I watched the fight live I thought fedor was taking damage and the fight was close… but thats why I’m not an mma judge. I had to watch the fight several more times on youtube to really see what happened.

Fedor is a notoriously slow starter, he feels people out, this is what he did with rogers. Rogers did good, and like he said should have let his hands go, but was still way out of his league. He outweighed fedor by oh 35 lbs, think of GSP fighting rua or machida and what kind of advantage they would have. Fedor has alot of scar tissue from previous wars thus he will cut easy. Never did he seem actually hurt like the one shot fujita hit him with. he THREW rogers to the ground with EASE. once again, huge weight difference. Shit fedor could be a light heavy if he really wanted to. Rogers gnp was decent, but fedor got out of it quickly. The blood made things look worse than they were. Second round starts, fedor has him measured up and owns him. The cage also affected matters if you watched in round one when rogers had double underhooks (smart move btw) fedor wanted to push off the cage and use a foot sweep like he did in pride.

Cage doesnt have as much give as ropes as this was a favorite move of his. Rogers is definatley for real, but fedor is clearly the best by far. Lesnar would get destroyed standing up as he got oustruck by mir and couture on the feet. Randelman and Coleman two of the best wrestlers of all time couldnt hack it on the ground, while lesnar is really good, hes not their caliber. Shit fedor outstruck crocop too…his hands are way too fast for anyone.