Hello all, quick summery about myself. I use to compete in powerlifting prior to 2016 after a couple meets of getting sick or just shitty training, I decided to retire from all lifting after I finished my American football career in France with Montpeiller Hurricans(Div 1 currently).
After 3 years, I finally realize after looking back upon my training books and progress notes I was never patient enough. After working for a while, I noticed myself add too much body fat and decided it was time to make a come back in 2020 to compete with some of my friends again.
Feb 8th Leg extensions 40@4x10 Leg Curls 40@4x10 Leg Press 135@4x10
Feb 10th
Curls 25@4x10
Hammer Curls 15@4x10
JM Press 20@4x10
Press Down 27.5@4x10
DB Rows 20@4x10
BB Rows bar@4x10
Arnold Press 10@4x10
Side Raise 10@4x10
Feb 11th
Squats barx10 135@4x10
Leg Extensions 50@4x10
Leg curls 60@4x10
Feb 13th
Bench barx10 95@4x10
Press Down 30@4x10
JM Press 25@4x10
Lat Pull Down 50@4x10
DB Press 20@4x10
Side Laterals 15@4x10
BB Rows 65@4x10
Feb 15th
Dead lift 135x10 185@4x10
Cleans 135x3/2/2/2
Pull through 30@4x10
SS Leg extension/Curls 50@4x10
If I remember correctly, I competed at 2 events mainly due to poor timing and lack of funds. I competed in the OPA in the 120 kg division. Best lifts in meet were 500 dead lift 450 squat 305 bench. After years of being young and foolish you learn how to do things properly to help in the long run.
Feb 17th
Shoulder Press
Curls 25@4x10
Cheater Curls 20@4x10
DB Rows 30@4x10
Lat Pull Down(Behind next)50@4x10
Seated Rows 50@4x10
Incline DB Bench 30@4x10
Side Raise 20@4x10
Note: Seeing all the “Gym Sharks” try to assert dominance with lifting heavy and wrong, don’t understand what is actually going on. Once I get back to my max numbers, will be shocked. I am trying not to ego lift right now, to put them in their place so I wont end up hurting myself.
Just saw you pop up in a couple other logs and figured you were new to the site, so I found your log. I’m happy to see another adult join the forum. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the youngsters too, but I enjoy the wisdom and humility of experienced people a bit more.
It looks like you’re trying to remind your joints and soft tissues what they’re supposed to do when you lift weights. That’s probably the smartest and most humble return to the weight room that I’ve seen. Stay strong and don’t give in to that ego nonsense!
Feb 18th
Single Leg leg press 135@4x10
Leg Curls 70@4x10
Leg extensions 70@4x10
Note: When I was squatting two tiny men were trying to insert “Alpha” while using 155lb on squat. Once I saw this and noticed they put up the safety bar I decided to have some fun but not ego lift. Took out the safety bar and walked the weight back another 3 feet and did paused reps on the third set of 155lbs.
Was I evil for doing this?? because I did have some fun out of it!!
Excitement Registered for the Ontario PowerLifting Ass. Yesterday, and I will be looking to compete in Belle River on May.11th
So today was the start of tax season, so I decided to get it done and out of the way. Which turned out to be a bad thing but also help fuel my lift session. Was forced to do taxes back in 09 before I was 18, which cost me money out of this years return. Then went to go cash it and the bank closed 2 mins before I got there, plus bumped into another car as they were rolling to turn then stopped for no reason. So after all this I was ready to kill someone and crush iron
185@ 4x10 - Was not suppose to be at this weight for another 3 weeks, so I will just add 5lbs to the bar for the next 3 weeks to get caught up in the program Skull Crusher 20@4x10 Press Down 60@4x10 BB Row 95@4x10 Arnold Press 20@4x10 Side Laterals 20@4x10 Rotator cuff(on side) 5@4x10
Hey Bigpappa
Welcome to the log section, saw you pop up here end there, and finally found your log.
Can’t wait to see you get back to the big numbers, you’re on the way man.
And having fun at the squat rack is okay. Just remember to be kind to the dudes as well.
I just did two competitions last year in the Canadian Powerlifting League. I hope to get at least one more under my belt before our first child arrives (still unsure what to expect in terms of a new training schedule).
My last competition was actually in Guelph and my in-laws are from Hamilton.
Feb 27th Bench 190@4x10 Cheater Curls 25@4x10 BB Curls bar@4x10
_JM Press 25@4x10 Press Downs(bar) 50@4x10 Side Lateral 25@4x10 DB Press 40@4x10 Lat Pull Down(Front) 50@4x10 DB Row 40@4x10
After looking how close the meet is, I will be making one adjustment to my previous statement. Starting Friday going to Do a Top single at an appropriate weight then do my working sets. It will allow me to make eight 1RM checks till the meet so I can pick good openers and 2nd attempts.