I don’t know what to say to introduce myself. I’ve lurked on these forums since the early 2000’s. I’ve been lifting off and on, but mostly on for 20 odd years now. But I’ve never really gotten a handle on my nutrition, and now I find myself dangerously overweight as I approach middle age. I mainly want to start a log to help keep me accountable and motivated. I really don’t want to do the weight loss support group my primary care doctor keeps pushing, but I know I need more social support.
My main goal right now is to lose 40-50 pounds and get to around 260 from my current 308ish. (My weight’s a little low because I didn’t eat or drink as much as normal yesterday.) I’m still at the point where I’m just logging my meals and trying to find consistency and figure out what my maintenance diet looks like, as opposed to eating like a campground raccoon. Then I can start slowly lowering it. As far as I’m concerned if I’m actually keeping up my food log I’m winning.
I’ve been successfully food logging for a couple weeks or so. I put the weight and calorie data I have into excel and at 2700 kcals I stayed right around 310.5 lbs (five day averages) With my diet sloppier and bumping up to 3700 I gained about two pounds. 2700 kcals seems low for maintenance so I might have to bump that up but for now thats what I’m shooting for: 250g P, 250g C and 75g F with an IIFYM type approach.
Training wise, I train in a pretty good powerlifting and strongman gym. Over the years I’ve dabbled in powerlifting, my last meet was in 2019 (god it feels just like yesterday). I went 1388 at 308, so not super strong. My training goal right now is to look like I lift weights and eventually join the 1500lb club at my gym.
I’ve stuck to low reps and low volume for basically my entire training career. I think I avoided higher reps out of laziness more than anything, because of the conditioning demands of doing higher rep compound exercises. With that in mind, and the fact that I’m coming off a couple months lifting hiatus, I’m switching it up and doing more of a moderate volume hypertrophy program-I feel great and finally feel like I’m doing enough volume to grow. I’ll do this for a few months and then switch back to a strength program, hopefully with some new muscle.
Here’s what my template looks like:
dumbbell press 4x10 slow eccentric and deep stretc
dumbbell flye 1x10-12
nautilus row machine 4x10
wide grip pulldown 2x15-20
dumbbell lateral raise 2x10-12
one arm cable curl 3x10
one arm supinated pressdown 3x10
forearm work – extensions, curls and captains of crush gripper
hack squat 5x10
leg extension 1x15-20
laying leg curl 3x6
bb upright row 2x12-15
concentration curl 2x15-20
forearms work – higher reps than monday
dumbbell press 4x60% of Mondays reps
one arm lat pulldown 4x10
nautilus row 2x12-15
dumbbell lateral raise 2x10
hammer curl 3x8-10
overhead rope extensions 2x15-20
forearm work – meet or beat mondays reps
low safety bar box squat with slowww eccentric 2x20
leg extensions 4x10
laying leg curl 2x10
cable curl with rope 2x10
bb upright row 2x15-20
forearm work – meet or beat Tuesdays reps
Note: My natural inclination would be to superset the antagonistic exercises but I’ve done some reading that that might not be optimal for hypertrophy. So with that in mind and for the sake of doing something novel, I haven’t been supersetting anything. But if my workouts stretch out too long I may have to start doing it for times’ sake.
I look forward to getting to virtually “meet” you folks and thanks in advance for the support!