Old injury rearing its ugly head again from sumo deadlifts.
It’s a blend of piriformis and glute medius/minimus syndrome I think. Right hip.
Pain and tightness over the trochanter bursa after conventional deads or deep squats.
Used to have a lot of pain in the adductor at the pelvic attachment but that has gotten much better.
Any single leg work, the outer quad is completely asleep in contrast to my
left leg which works and balances great. For example bulgarian split squats, I feel it in the tear drop, the hip, and the groin and more difficult to stay balanced. Pain when deep.
Single leg deadlifts, pain in my hip and pelvis at the very bottom. Harder to balance on the right.
Lowering regular deadlifts under control results in pain in the Sacro-illiac joint/back of the pelvis.
Sprints are okay, bit of pain if I go too hard but I don’t go hard often, usually stay below 90%. 30-40 yards usually.
Just simply walking can be troublesome when it flares up. I find myself turning my right foot inward to walk straight.
I’ve strained my erectors many times. 4 out of 5 its the left erector, the last time it was the right side, completely surprised me. Had pain in the erector, down through the piriformis, and to the trochanter for a few days, plenty of rolling fixed it relatively quick.
I smash my glutes and hips on a regular basis with a lacrosse ball and roll the IT bands. I do a blend of Defrancos agile 8 and Magnificent Mobility before every workout. I squeeze my glutes hard through deadlifts. I’ve recently gotten in to taking ice baths after lower body days and it feels pretty damn good but doesn’t do much to fix my hip. I deload every 4th week, no squatting, sprints, or deads.
Aside from going back to my ART chiro, which I will eventually, can anyone make some suggestions?