Ridiculous Bicep Peak

CHeck this dude out:

He has the weirdest looking arms this side of Valentino. Looks like he has an extra muscle in his arm or something. Check the concentration curls. Synthol?

Major kudos for all the effort he has put in, but I think he has gone way OTT, amazing wheels, but WYF is with those biceps, they look like that scene in alien, where the alien is about to burst of of his arm, dirty mofo

No doubt in my mind that it is synthol.

lol he looks like the actor that played mini-me.


Watch the concentration curls and see how the muscle never changes shape.

If your bicep is still peaked when your arm is extended, it’s synthol.


[quote]Mike Sullivan wrote:
No doubt in my mind that it is synthol.[/quote]

There shouldn’t be any doubt. He was regularly marked down in competition because of his obvious synthol use.

Synthol. Real muscles could never look so freaking retarded. I can easily see the round ball of oil in that mirror pose.

Your avatar - Is that from Dave Draper’s appearance on the “Beverly Hillbillies”?

[quote]Kailash wrote:
Synthol. Real muscles could never look so freaking retarded. I can easily see the round ball of oil in that mirror pose.

Your avatar - Is that from Dave Draper’s appearance on the “Beverly Hillbillies”?[/quote]

I guess. I got it from Dave’s website. THere’s another one of him lifting a truck.

what is that?? i guess that shit is only possible in the US.

[quote]GermanPower wrote:
what is that?? i guess that shit is only possible in the US. [/quote]

Most of these guys are in the UK.

No wonder bodybuilding has become a joke. They let these synthol freaks compete, like what aren’t you allow to do.

Seeing him do biceps curls brought back memories of the old Popeye comics, when his arms got huge from spinach.

Check out the calves in that video too. Same thing, synthrol. That is some sick looking crap.

[quote]superscience wrote:
No wonder bodybuilding has become a joke. They let these synthol freaks compete, like what aren’t you allow to do. [/quote]

He may have walked on stage but he didn’t win anything that I know of.

Ya that does look alot like synthol.

Yep I called the synthol 10 seconds in to the vid

What the hell are these guy taking because it definitely looks fake.

You can clearly see the ball of oil/scar tissue siting on top of the bicep on the Concentration curl scene and in the opening sequence his left arm just looks painful. What a dumb ass!

Oh yeah it’s Synthol.

I did’nt want to judge too quick so I took my time…I thought he might not use synthol because I could see a bit of minor vascularity, albeit he was syntholy smooth, then I could see the seperation in his peaks, and I thought…well maybe not…then the dumb ass flexed his calves…with insertion points that high you CANNOT get that much mass on the calve, does not work, and if he did, that calve would be striated as shit and majorly seperated.

Good lord, in his video #2 it looks like a pool of oil right on top of his biceps. Hi right bi is all bruised and deformed. I don’t get it. His legs are amazing. He must have serious body dysmorphia or something because he doesn’t need the synthol.