Now I’ve read the interview with Gregg Valentino, and looked at several other articles dealing with the topic of synthol, but i just saw this video and honestly almost jumped on a plane to go smack this man for what he does. And also smack all the kids who see this and go “Wow what a beast, I want to be like him.”
I really don’t see how ANYONE would want to look like that. But then again, the world’s a crazy place.
What’s worse is that someone put his ass on tv. That is about the only thing dumber than walking around thinking you are fooling someone with oil inflatable muscles. Well, that and the fact that I’m sure some idiots actually think he lifted weights to look like that.
When the camera slips up and shows the weights he is actually lifting on the pec dec you can see why people would laugh - besides the man breasts and blown up arms on the freak!
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Well, that and the fact that I’m sure some idiots actually think he lifted weights to look like that.[/quote]
To look like what? He looks like a guy with huge tits and big fat arms.
He honestly looks like an adult-sized infant, with how round and soft everything looked.
I just don’t get synthol, it looks like shit.
If you’re going to take a ‘shortcut’ to looking more muscular, and you’re injecting something anyway, why not just take actual steroids, and gain actual muscle?
[quote]summa wrote:
I always wondered what someone would look like if they could only get fat in their arms and chest![/quote]
don’t forget about his gut too. No injections, but he looks like he was an out-of-shape fat guy before injecting the oil. Now he looks like a fat out-of-shape guy with oil in his arms and chest.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
What’s worse is that someone put his ass on tv. That is about the only thing dumber than walking around thinking you are fooling someone with oil inflatable muscles. Well, that and the fact that I’m sure some idiots actually think he lifted weights to look like that.[/quote]
Tyra Banks recently had Valentino on, of all things, an “eating disorder” show(?!)…Everyone assumed he was a “steroid” guy, and he was (enabled to)fool an audience ignorant of bodybuilding culture/facts…at no time was synthol mentioned, of course, he led them to attribute it all to AAS by omission…He was portrayed as a “victim” of “Bigorexia”/bad body image, just like the anorexic/bulimic girls…Apalling…
[quote]Blacksnake wrote:
Professor X wrote:
What’s worse is that someone put his ass on tv. That is about the only thing dumber than walking around thinking you are fooling someone with oil inflatable muscles. Well, that and the fact that I’m sure some idiots actually think he lifted weights to look like that.
Tyra Banks recently had Valentino on, of all things, an “eating disorder” show(?!)…Everyone assumed he was a “steroid” guy, and he was (enabled to)fool an audience ignorant of bodybuilding culture/facts…at no time was synthol mentioned, of course, he led them to attribute it all to AAS by omission…He was portrayed as a “victim” of “Bigorexia”/bad body image, just like the anorexic/bulimic girls…Apalling…
That leads the general public to believe that anyone with more size than average is “bigorexic”. I never put much faith in the intelligence of the public as a whole but it still irks me when I see things like that happen.
You would have to be completely ignorant to physiology or even been sleep through any media showing a bodybuilder to think that looked like natural muscular growth regardless of what hormones are used.
[quote]Blacksnake wrote:
Professor X wrote:
What’s worse is that someone put his ass on tv. That is about the only thing dumber than walking around thinking you are fooling someone with oil inflatable muscles. Well, that and the fact that I’m sure some idiots actually think he lifted weights to look like that.
Tyra Banks recently had Valentino on, of all things, an “eating disorder” show(?!)…Everyone assumed he was a “steroid” guy, and he was (enabled to)fool an audience ignorant of bodybuilding culture/facts…at no time was synthol mentioned, of course, he led them to attribute it all to AAS by omission…He was portrayed as a “victim” of “Bigorexia”/bad body image, just like the anorexic/bulimic girls…Apalling…
A man’s gotta eat… cant imagine him holding down a day job.
The biggest thing that pisses me off about that video is how he seems like he’s teaching others about his “wisdom” or his “work ethic”. And also in the gym when people are looking at him and gasping and acting amazed. They didn’t show the guy who threw up when he saw him.
That is nasty looking! I can’t believe (well, maybe I take that back) someone would WANT to look like that, and be so cocky about it. He has to realize that everyone is laughing at him, and not too impressed. It really looks like an upper body fat suit, except with larger titties. Oh yeah, did he even have nipples?