Hello, firstly I would like to thank those who take time to read my post and help guide me through my first cut. I understand the importance of the time and knowledge that you are offering freely and have researched in depth before posting here so as to not waste it.
I have never done a cut before so what I would like is for those more experienced than I am at cutting, to review my plan and give me some tips/modifications.
Now let me explain my situation:
I´ve successfully bulked more or less cleanly for three years from 128 pounds to 172 pounds, right know im at 12-14% body fat and wish to go down to 8-10%. It may seem to many that i should bulk more before cutting but I wish to do it for three reasons:
- Im tired of permabulking and force feeding, i need a break
- My face has ballooned way too much and I wish to see myself as i was before in thtat aspect, kind of psicological
- I wish to learn, for when i do my next bulk and cut
I do not have enough money to buy Biotest supps right know and i am not a fan of calorie counting, thus my approach to dieting is going to be based on the following meal plan i have devised, adding or subtracting food after each weeks assessment of my weight (keping a journal of course).
Here I have one question; im not sure how to do carb/calorie cycling on training or off days…like, by how many carbs to increase intake and when.
Meal 1: 40g oats with skimmed milk + enough whey to have 30g protein + 1 fish oil pill + multivitamin
Meal 2: 2 high protein fat free yogurts (20gprot 20g carb) + 5 walnuts
Meal3: 150 g chicken/pork + 55g basmati rice + 1 fish oil +veggies (dont count them as calories as thibadeu says)
Meal 4 (before training): 15 g whey (it has glutamine also) + 5g bcaas+5g creatine
Meal 5 (during training): 20g Bcaas in water)
Meal 6 (post training): 40-45 g whey and 40 g simple carbs (I know some say to take bcaas instead of carbs but it seems like too much Bcaa and I would like to favor carbs as Im acceptably lean which means i can take more carbs than if i were fat)
Meal 7: 200g chicken/pork + veggies with one tablespoon of olive oil + 1 fish oil
My training is going to be strength focused to maintain or even gain strength. Done 3 times a week and cycling intensity throughout the weeks (Very heavy, heavy, moderate and light workouts) though always having a very heavy day each week.
An example of a week I have planned would be:
Day 1 (very heavy): Built for bad (thibadeus workout at 95% RM variation)
Day 2 (light-metabolic):
A1. Dumbell Bench press 12-15.
A2. Stepups 12-15.
A3. Dumbell row 12-15.
A4. Stiff leg deadlift 12-15.
A5. Crunches 12-15.
Done with no rest, 3 times
Day 3 (heavy):
Squat 3x4-6
Dumbell bench press 3x4-6
Weighted pullups 3x4-6
Biceps curl 3x12
Triceps extension 3x12
Thats about it, thank you very much!