Reverse Hypers Alternative

help all im poor can only afford the gym at work which is 30 bucks a year…but they dont have a reverse hypers and i hear thats the best thing for posterior chain so can anyone help out and tell me whats very close to it thanks all

First of all there are a million exercises for the lowback/hamstrings/glutes (eg deadlifts, RDL, SLDL, squats, good mornings etc etc) so a reverse hyper is not essential.

Secondly a reverse hyper (or at least the principle of it) is perhaps the simplest piece of equipment in a gym. I also do not have one and cannot afford one but recently put a piece of wood across my power rack and lay face down on that and it works great. I havent yet decided how to attach the weights to my ankles (while I’m talking about this has anyone got any ideas??) but with a bit of thought I’ll come up with something. Point is, be creative.

I heard once from someone (may have even been on this site) that many of those people who make the best progress are the ones with the least equipment because if they want it badly enough they’ll improvise. There are guys in poorer parts of the world who are bench pressing using logs with buckets hanging from both ends so count your self lucky. Also, there are people who have built great physiques using only a barbell so just give it some thought.

Good luck.

If you don?t have a Glute Ham Raise here are some exercises you can perform:

Romanian deadlift
Dimel deadlift
Straight leg deadlift
Straight leg deadlift standing on a box
Good mornings
Good mornings with Jump Stretch bands

If you don?t have a Reverse Hyperextension machine:

Perform the same movement on a high table or box
Back extensions
Pull-throughs (can be done with a band or a low cable)

[quote]kpd315 wrote:
help all im poor can only afford the gym at work which is 30 bucks a year…but they dont have a reverse hypers and i hear thats the best thing for posterior chain so can anyone help out and tell me whats very close to it thanks all [/quote]

If you are really poor I’m thinking that working your posterior chain is the least of your troubles…Why don’t we talk career development :slight_smile:

im not that poor …just one of the lowest paid cops in the states

If they have a regular hyper, you can do them on that. Just turn around, hold the foot pads and hang off of the pad. For weight, use a strap or hold a DB between your ankles. But not the rubber coated ones. Pulls the hair on the legs.

Have fun!


[quote]kpd315 wrote:
im not that poor …just one of the lowest paid cops in the states[/quote]

Shoot some bad guys and problem solved. You’ll be senior detective.

Secondly a reverse hyper (or at least the principle of it) is perhaps the simplest piece of equipment in a gym. I also do not have one and cannot afford one but recently put a piece of wood across my power rack and lay face down on that and it works great. I havent yet decided how to attach the weights to my ankles (while I’m talking about this has anyone got any ideas??) but with a bit of thought I’ll come up with something. Point is, be creative.

I elevate my glute ham raise and hang off of it and do reverse hypers.

I hold a dumbell between my legs.

its working great so far.

Good Luck!!!

  1. Use other posterior chain exercises.

  2. Check this out courtesy of Brad Cardoza.

I agree with everyones…RDLs, good mornings, glute/hams ROCK and you can just have a partner hold your ankles if you dont have a machine, or use the DB between your ankles for reverse hypers…

sad thing is brother, alot of places cops dont get paid much…here in the DC metro area alot of cops live 1-2+ hours away from work to be able to afford a home…I was a cop previous in CT, got paid alot more, but it was so liberal and training/tactics/equipment sucked, as well as the laws and what you could and couldnt do…now at least I enjoy going to work and can get after it despite the low pay…heck you probably see it too, I work in a heavy section 8/welfare area, and most places we go to the people live better than us…no they dont take care of the places, but they get rent free or close to rent free, all have big screen TVs, computers, internet, cell phones, plenty of booze, name brand cigarettes and clothes, fast food etc…if they do work its under the table and they dont pay taxes, and if they dont and collect disability they are the same ones out robbing people and getting in bar fights…go figure, cant work but still can swing a bat or fist at someone…oh well ill save my ramblings, just in from a shift…

Anyways, if you have free weights you can be creative and get the job done without fancy equipment…when in doubt squat, clean, and deadlift heavy :slight_smile: