ReStarting Strength & Time to Eat!

Hey everybody. This is my second training log here. After finding out that although I made fast weekly gains with WS4SB on a hypocaloric diet, I figured through the help of some guys in the forum that I’d make even more gains from a simpler template such as Rippetoe’s Starting Strength with a hypercaloric diet. I’d love to give background info but I do not have the patience to make this the most boring log ever so my previous log here (It sums up everything): Westside for Skinny Lakkhamu - Training Logs - Forums - T Nation . And the stats which are only gym maxes:

Squat: 1 x 120kg / 264lbs
Bench Press: 2 x 77.5kg / 170.5lbs
Deadlift: 3 x 115kg / 253lbs
Overhead Press: 5 x 50kg / 110 lbs
Barbell Rows: 3 x 8 x 70kg / 154lbs
Chin Ups: 4
Dips: 13
Power Clean: 1 x 60kg / 135lbs

Here comes the first log:

Workout A: 27.05.11

5 x 60kg
3 x 80kg
1 x 90kg
3 x 5 x 95kg
2-2.30 minutes rest. Very fucking easy. The only concern was for my ligaments who were a bit fatigued after not doing squats for 2 months.

Bench Press:
5 x 40kg
3 x 50kg
1 x 55kg
3 x 5 x 62.5kg
2-2.30 minutes rest. Again, very fucking easy.

1 x 5 x 105kg
This actually was todays hardest set and a very hard set indeed for any workout. I’m sick of deadlifting above plates and trying to match them every fucking rep. I’ll just go that extra fucking inch, don’t care if the 20kg plates are small. That’ll give me a better competition max anyway.

Barbell Curls:
3 x 8 x 27.5kg
1.30-2 minutes rest. Ah, the unorthodoxy! Through experience I’ve found out that curling was the only way I add mass to my arms so I’ll do curls on Workout A.

Total Calories for today according to Fitday: 2778. This is highly exaggerated: I’m very fucking sure I didn’t get as much. Probably my units are fucked up I can’t get used to those cups or pints or whatever it’s a shitty system of measuring.

Workout B: 30.05.11

5 x 60kg
3 x 80kg
1 x 90kg
3 x 5 x 97.5kg
2.30 minutes rest. Harder than last time yet still highly easy compared to the weights I used before.

Military Press:
5 x 20kg
3 x 30kg
3 x 5 x 40kg
1.30 minutes rest. Easy. I even felt like I could do them ballistic.

Power Cleans:
5 x 3 x 50kg
1.30 minutes rest. These were not very heavy but I considered my form to be horrible. Probably will improve.

Chin Ups:
3 x 3
1.30 minutes rest. Yeah, not stellar, but I won’t stop doing them until I hit 3 x 5 at least.

Workout A: 01.06.11

I’d really hurt my ankle that day so I couldn’t squat or deadlift for shit. Went to the gym to bench and curl today.

Bench Press:
5 x 40kg
3 x 50kg
1 x 55kg
3 x 5 x 65kg
2-2.30 minutes rest. Normal.


Barbell Curls:
3 x 8 x 30kg
1.30-2 minutes rest. Very fucking heavy. I couldn’t go over the 5th rep with good form and did heavy cheats and cluster reps. No increment next week.

Workout B: 03.06.11

5 x 60kg
3 x 80kg
1 x 90kg
3 x 5 x 100kg
2.30 minutes rest. Definitely easier than the last time. My ankles hurt a bit but I said what the hell and did them anyway and I’m glad I did.

Military Press:
5 x 20kg
3 x 30kg
3 x 5 x 42.5kg
1.30 minutes rest. No harder than the last time.

Power Cleans:
5 x 3 x 52.5kg
1.30 minutes rest. Felt much better than last time. The ankles were a bit of a problem here but did not impair my strength.

Chin Ups:
3 x 3
1.30 minutes rest. Well these were harder than last time and there’s no reason why this is so.

Workout A: 07.06.11

3 x 5 x 100kg
2-2.30 minutes rest. This is what happens when you don’t look at your previous log when training. I “forgot” to increase weight. Fuck.

Bench Press:
3 x 5 x 67.5kg
2-2.30 minutes rest. Not easy, not hard. The bar speed did not decline so they were good sets.

1 x 5 x 110kg
Heavy off the floor, nothing else unusual. This is the set with which I understood why powerlifters bounce the weight off the floor while doing reps.

Barbell Curls:
3 x 8 x 30kg
1.30-2 minutes rest. Harder than last time. High cheating.

Workout B: 09.06.11

5 x 60kg
3 x 80kg
1 x 90kg
3 x 5 x 102.5kg
2.30-2.45 minutes rest. After I realized my stupid mistake, I decided not to add 5 kilos but stick with 2.5. The sets were easy other than that.

Military Press:
5 x 20kg
3 x 30kg
3 x 5 x 45kg
2 minutes rest. Mediocre with good form.

Power Cleans:
5 x 3 x 55g
1.30-2 minutes rest. Well, heavy. But no reps missed.

Workout A: 11.06.11

3 x 5 x 105kg
2.30-2.45 minutes rest. The warmup felt unusually hard but the sets were pretty normal.

Bench Press:
3 x 5 x 70kg
3-3.30 minutes rest. As could be seen from the rest periods, these were hard. The last reps of each set were ground. And this is a new 5RM.

1 x 5 x 112.5kg
I implemented a lockout strategy I learned from an article of Dave Tate and it worked wonders. Before I lifted the weight off the ground, I applied upward force to it not enough to lift it but simply to lighten the net downward force and the lockout was very easy. The overall set was easy as well.

Barbell Curls:
1 x 8 x 30kg
My wrists did not agree with this exercise. After an immense pain during the 8th set, I quit the set.

Workout B: 14.06.11

3 x 5 x 107.5kg
2.30-3.15 minutes rest. This was the only heavy set of squats I’ve done on this program. While I was doing Max-OT, this exact set gave me nightmare and is still the hardest set I’ve ever done. Now, it was just hard and nothing more.

Military Press:
3 x 5 x 47.5kg
2-2.30 minutes rest. Heavy sets, but done with perfect form with no reps missed.

Power Cleans:
5 x 3 x 57.5g
1.30-2.30 minutes rest. This was THE exercise of today. Not only were these greatly heavy, but also I felt like I was doing real sets of explosive olympic power cleans.