Hey all.
I’m a recovering fat ass.
A steady diet of booze and junk food saw me reach a whopping 285lbs at age 25.
For the past 12 months I’ve been working my ass off at trying to change that.
I’ve tried a number of different programs over the last year, along with a pretty consistently clean diet. My weight is down to 235-240lbs at 5’9", and my overall measurements are down a total of 19", with legs and arms remaining unchanged.
I read Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength a few months back, and started out on a program based loosely on his methods, using an increasing rep scheme instead of his recommendation for increasing weight every workout.
After being on this site for a few weeks, and reading all the back and forth over the SS program in the beginner’s forum, I’ve decided to devote the next 8 weeks to closely following Rip’s novice program as written in Starting Strength and Practical Programming.
To keep myself honest and on track I’ve also decided to keep a training log on line for all to see. I think it’s important to fess up to my shitty numbers, and I hope that putting them on display will keep me motivated to push them up and keep the muscle coming.
I will only list my working set numbers, unless there is something exceptional to note about warmups, and all weights will be listed in pounds. Feedback is welcome and appreciated.