I am new the Olympic lifting (just started in earnest on 3/25 with a coach 2/week).
At this point I am not chasing numbers and am content to learn the lifts properly, but I am curious as to what kind of numbers would be respectable for a 105 class novice (I’m thinking 75/80 and 100/105)? I know this is subjective, but I am looking to set a goal to strive for and this is where I’ve settled. I am curious to read what others think.
I’m 39 years old; 6’3" 237 ( I can get to 105/231 with a little discipline).
I’ve been lifting on and off since I was 14/15 and have been lifting consistently the last 4/5 years.
I’ve managed to get a 355 back squat; 255 bench; overhead press 165x3; and just last week pulled 195(429) in the deadlift.
So far in O-training, I’ve worked up to a 57.5 snatch and an 82.5 clean and jerk; also got 110(242)x2 on my front squat at the end of a workout.
[quote]Invictica wrote:
~1 x BW Snatch
~1.5 x BW CJ
Are really respectable numbers for a novice.[/quote]
i would agree with the snatch being very respectable, but 1.5 time his body-weight is far superior to “novice”
if he weighs 105kg then you would consider a clean and jerk of 157.5 good for a “novice” their are not to many “novice” lifters in the 105 lifting almost 160.
[quote]Invictica wrote:
~1 x BW Snatch
~1.5 x BW CJ
Are really respectable numbers for a novice.[/quote]
i would agree with the snatch being very respectable, but 1.5 time his body-weight is far superior to “novice”
if he weighs 105kg then you would consider a clean and jerk of 157.5 good for a “novice” their are not to many “novice” lifters in the 105 lifting almost 160.
As a 105er be careful listening to xBW numbers too much, most people in the sport are smaller than you and therefore the xBW numbers come out a little high for somebody in your weight class. For example:
[quote]Koing wrote:
and the top 3-5 in the class can Snatch 2x bw!
Nobody at 105 has hit a 2xBW snatch in competition.
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
As a 105er be careful listening to xBW numbers too much, most people in the sport are smaller than you and therefore the xBW numbers come out a little high for somebody in your weight class. For example:
[quote]Koing wrote:
and the top 3-5 in the class can Snatch 2x bw!
Nobody at 105 has hit a 2xBW snatch in competition.
Just something to keep in mind.[/quote]
Thats a given that very few 105 guys will Snatch 2x bw. The 94’s can do it but still it isn’t that often and literally the top 3-5 on a good comp that will manage it. We have very few monster lifters kicking about now a days! The odd one or two but not like yester year.
The 2009 and 2010 Euro’s have been comparatively weak imo. I haven’t seen the 85-105+ guys in the 2010 yet though, but the smaller guys haven’t been as experienced.
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
As a 105er be careful listening to xBW numbers too much, most people in the sport are smaller than you and therefore the xBW numbers come out a little high for somebody in your weight class. For example:
[quote]Koing wrote:
and the top 3-5 in the class can Snatch 2x bw!
Nobody at 105 has hit a 2xBW snatch in competition.
Just something to keep in mind.[/quote]
Thats a given that very few 105 guys will Snatch 2x bw. The 94’s can do it but still it isn’t that often and literally the top 3-5 on a good comp that will manage it. We have very few monster lifters kicking about now a days! The odd one or two but not like yester year.
The 2009 and 2010 Euro’s have been comparatively weak imo. I haven’t seen the 85-105+ guys in the 2010 yet though, but the smaller guys haven’t been as experienced.
First 2 years of a quad tend to be weak at Europeans and worlds since no one is anywhere near close to peaking at the moment. 2011 will be a lot more interesting, as will 2012!
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
As a 105er be careful listening to xBW numbers too much, most people in the sport are smaller than you and therefore the xBW numbers come out a little high for somebody in your weight class. For example:
[quote]Koing wrote:
and the top 3-5 in the class can Snatch 2x bw!
Nobody at 105 has hit a 2xBW snatch in competition.
Just something to keep in mind.[/quote]
Thats a given that very few 105 guys will Snatch 2x bw. The 94’s can do it but still it isn’t that often and literally the top 3-5 on a good comp that will manage it. We have very few monster lifters kicking about now a days! The odd one or two but not like yester year.
The 2009 and 2010 Euro’s have been comparatively weak imo. I haven’t seen the 85-105+ guys in the 2010 yet though, but the smaller guys haven’t been as experienced.
First 2 years of a quad tend to be weak at Europeans and worlds since no one is anywhere near close to peaking at the moment. 2011 will be a lot more interesting, as will 2012![/quote]