First of all, I want to give a huge thank you to Jim. A little bit about me, I’m 38 and a former MVP of my football team in high school (it was a small school), never played college. I’m 5’10" and have always been fairly small weighing anywhere between 160 and 200. I’ve stayed fairly physically active throughout my life as a professional plumber, etc. About 4 years ago, I finished my college degree and moved to teaching middle school full time. Needless to say, I got out of shape fast. It was embarrassing how fat and lazy I became.
So, I decided to change things. I lost my fat, got into shape, and weighted 172 with around 18% body fat. It was then I decided I wanted to get stronger and stumbled across 531 and Wendler’s book. I fell in love instantly. I downloaded the app in March of 2017 and began seriously exercising. When I began, my lifts were extremely weak.
Overhead Press - 85 pounds
Bench - 205
Deadlift - 135
Squat - 185
Real manly stuff, I know. But here it is November and my lifts are up to
Overhead Press - 135
Bench - 250
Deadlift - 400
Squat - 275
Everything is going great, but on squat and deadlift, in the 3rd week of the program, I am only getting 6-8 reps and it is usually 2 reps less than the prescribed lifts. Now in the earlier weeks, I’m still busting PRs, and then when that 3rd week becomes the weight for the first week, I usually bust that PR by 3-4 reps.
My question is, when do I know when to reset. The book said, “when the reps and the weight become too much”. When is that? Do I reset now? I guess, because I’ve never had a true strength coach and I’m just going off of what I read from your book, I’m not sure when to lower the training max.
Also, I want to give you a big thank you, Jim. My wife, who is a tiny thing at 5’0" and weighing in at 130 started your program about a month after I did. She has never lifted weights in her life, except for the cute little pink ones that all her friends throw around. But she is benching and deadlifting like a beast and her gains are growing as well. I took your advice and just increase her training maxes by half each cycle. Her deadlift has went from 65 to closing in on 200. She couldn’t be prouder of herself and I’m proud of her as well!
Thanks Coach!