Reset or Add Assistance Work for Deadlift?

today i stalled at 355x3 deadlift, from videos ive made of myself deadlifting it looks like at some reps my hips rise, i feel like i have a hamstring and lowerback problem but my low bar squat exceeds my deadlift, idk what to do, i was thinking of stopping deadlifts all together and focus on RDLs and deficits and instead of deadlifting on my deadlift day im going to be doing deadlift stance box squats. ive reset it a bunch of times in the past, can someone with some experience help me out here

ok well after some thinking i think im gonna do triples with deadlifts instead of 5 reps becuase honestly i just dont have the endurance to do 5 even on light sets, im also going to do box squats on wendsdays instead of just light squats and on fridays im going to do 3x5 RDLS and 2x5 deficiet pulls

can anyone give me some insight whether this is a good plan or not and btw im on madcows

post the vids

It’s never a bad idea to focus on your posterior chain regardless of your program. If you feel that area needs some work then adjust your programming accordingly but I wouldn’t stop deadlifting. Volume is going to be the best thing for the movement aside from focusing on some more accessory movements.

Don’t stop deadlifting and focus more on posterior chain work like in your 2nd post. Lots of back and hamstring work.

Maybe change up your deadlifting style. Try using a snatch grip, sumo deadlift, deadlift with bands, deadlift from a deficit, trap bar deadlift, rack pull, etc.

Do you use straps? Is there a particular reason you don’t want to use them? If no to both, add straps on your heavy sets. Sometimes that’s enough to get you beyond a sticking point.

[quote]critietaeta wrote:
post the vids[/quote]

here i did 345x4 , u can see how bad the form is,
also my plan is to do deadlift stance box squats on wendsdays, reset my deadlift to mid 200s and do RDLS on that day and friday do goodmornings


As you’ve reset it several times i’d say move on to another program such as 5/3/1 or this…

I can’t see the video, as it says it’s set to private for me, but my suggestion would be to incorporate a bit more PC training but really just focus on deadlifting. I think resetting your deadlift to the mid-200s is, frankly, an overreaction, unless that really is as heavy as you can pull before your technique seriously breaks down.

What has your progression looked like over the last month or two? If you’re pulling 355x3 at a bodyweight above, say, 140 lbs., then you should be able to continue to improve within the movement without focusing your training on weaknesses and employing only special exercises and deadlift variations.

[quote]diabolic42 wrote:
ok well after some thinking i think im gonna do triples with deadlifts instead of 5 reps becuase honestly i just dont have the endurance to do 5 even on light sets, im also going to do box squats on wendsdays instead of just light squats and on fridays im going to do 3x5 RDLS and 2x5 deficiet pulls

can anyone give me some insight whether this is a good plan or not and btw im on madcows [/quote]

Mad Cow is fairly similar to Texas Method. I just got a copy of Texas Method Advanced from from and it has a lot of useful ideas on some changes to make to the program to keep making gains without getting stuck. I think it was about 30 bucks but I think its worth it, lots of information in there. One of the things he suggests for a powerlifting focus is just as you said, heavy triples instead of 5’s on the intensity day. Madcow isnt set up quite like TM as far as the intensity days and volume days but there are enough similarities that you may want to check it out.

[quote]KyleKeough wrote:
I can’t see the video, as it says it’s set to private for me, but my suggestion would be to incorporate a bit more PC training but really just focus on deadlifting. I think resetting your deadlift to the mid-200s is, frankly, an overreaction, unless that really is as heavy as you can pull before your technique seriously breaks down.

What has your progression looked like over the last month or two? If you’re pulling 355x3 at a bodyweight above, say, 140 lbs., then you should be able to continue to improve within the movement without focusing your training on weaknesses and employing only special exercises and deadlift variations.[/quote]
k , i got the video up, 355 is seriously not that heavy, it’s just i feel like my form breaks down during the last few reps , and I’ve went from not doing dead lifts for a couple of months to starting with 285x5-355x3 in2 months