[quote]Cortes wrote:
Justin27 wrote:
I’ve read the stickys, I’ve printed out all the steroid profiles from online and read up on them. I’ve also browsed through these helpful forums quite a bit the past week. I am thinking of the following. But first, who the heck I am.
-28 yrs old in one month
-lifting since age 17
-generally a ecto/mesomorph…meaning, I started at 150 lbs at 6’3", but got to 240 naturally by age 22. It’s hard work, and the Big 3/powerlifting was my foundation to get results.
-I currently weigh 215-218 at 9%…basically the best shape I’ve ever been in while holding some muscle. (I competed at age 23, but lost a ton of muscle, started diet at 236, ended 11 weeks later with water cut at just under 200
-I’d like to compete again, and I’m feeling like I’m reaching my genetic potential here shortly, so I’m contemplating going on a cycle to put on 20 or so lbs.
PLAN: (please critique)
W1-12 Test E or C 250mg on Mon/Thurs
W1-6 Dbol 30mg (10mg 3x/d)
W1-12 Adex as needed (or should I use Nolva?)
W13-16 Nolva 20mg ED to EOD
I’m considering adding oral Winny, would there be any benefit to that? And is it like Dbol where you should only use it for 6 weeks? Because it’s also hard on the liver?
I know this might sounds lame, but what about just a quick and strong 8 week cycle or oral Dbol and oral Winny? 30 mg/d Dbol, 50mg/d Winny? I shouldn’t have a problem injecting, but this way is obviously less stressful for a first time user.
And help is appreciated, if I sound like a newbie, well I am.
Hey Justin good to see you here.
I think your first plan looks great. You had better move that PCT to start at Week 15, though. Some guys do 40/40/20/20, but others will tell you (with studies to back it up) that 20mgs of nolva will give you almost the exact same results as will 40, and that you are better off going 20/20/10/10. If you want another alternative that is very popular around here, see the test-taper thread stickied at the top of this forum.
Injecting is NO BIG DEAL. At all. I’m pinning every day presently and I seriously look forward to it each day. Don’t waste your first cycle on an all-oral run. As I said in your other thread, if you wanted to try a higher-dosage, shorter-duration cycle, something like 750-900mgs a week for about 8 weeks has been used very successfully, and I’m sure some of these guys will chime in. One apparent benefit to this is that you will experience less shutdown with the shorter cycle. Of course, there is always the chance for increased sides.
You’re going to have a great cycle. You’re going about it in the right way and you are in the right place. I look forward to following your progress.[/quote]
Ok, thanks.
I’ll start the Nolva a bit later than. Is that because you should wait for the last injection’s effects to carry out? (which can take a few weeks after?)
I think I might as well take advantage of it being my first cycle and just stretch it to the full 12 weeks. As you mentioned in my other thread, I might be better off not doing dbol at all, so I can see how I react to the Test E alone. I was talking with a bud that has done it before and he thought just doing 10mg morning/10 mg night for the first 4 weeks would be a nice kickstart with the Dbol, thoughts?
I can tell I’m in the right place hehe, from the well written stickys, to members such as yourself taking time out of their lives to help newbies like me get started properly, thank you for that.