[quote]rainjack wrote:
PGreen711 wrote:
Regarding your generation, yes, that probably has something to do with it. Old people are generally crotchety, and you may also be in the early stages of dementia. That is probably why you are complaining.
Regarding trust, again yes, intellectually dishonest posts coupled with the dementia have probably given you trust issues.
Regarding respect, it is probably that the posters respect the opinions of others on these forums, whereas you do not. This lack of respect probably arises out of your senility.
I think the bottom line is you care too much, take yourself too seriously, and are old and crazy.
This post right here should answer the question why people post: It’s all just a bunch of pointless yammering.
I mean did the little punk-ass even come close to answering? I’d say nope.
Do most of the posters that upload pics of their less-than-post-worthy physiques really want an honest critique? I’d say nope again.
Do most of the folks that post inane, bullshit questions like, “Can I take HOT-ROX with protein powder” really care if their question is answered? For a third time - nope.
What do they want? They want the satisfaction of seeing their screen name posted on the internet.
When I was a kid, when we found wet concrete we would write our names in it.
Same difference.[/quote]
He asked if it was a generational/trust/respect thing.
For him I think it is a generational/trust/respect thing, he is old, has trust issues, and no respect for posters, and is dumb to-boot. That is the answer to those questions, I just explained my answers based on what I’ve read from him.