Hi guys,
Just wondering how many of you out there rerack your weights after use. The trainers in the gym I go to will jump all over you if you happen to rack your dumbells under the incorrect labels. LOL.
Hi guys,
Just wondering how many of you out there rerack your weights after use. The trainers in the gym I go to will jump all over you if you happen to rack your dumbells under the incorrect labels. LOL.
Common gym courtesy.
Do it.
I rerack every single weight that I use, even on the Leg Press, which can become an exercise in itself!
I’m all for that. I rerack them too. But common, the exact label? WTF, all the weights aren’t even in the correct slot to begin with.
kelv, the next time a trainer in your gym tells you to rack the dumbbells under the correct labels just reach your hand down the back of his pants and jam your finger up his butthole.
I’ve started printing up my own signs and taping them up in the gym. The don’t stay up long, but they make me feel better.
“Hey, Moron. If you can’t put it back when you are done, get your lazy ass out of the gym.”
“See the numbers on the weights? See the number on the weight tree? Make 'em match, moron.”
“Don’t be a lazy dumbass. Put your weights back where they belong.”
“Are you really so stupid you can’t figure out that putting little weights under big weights is not a fucking bright idea?”
“Not putting your weights away is a sure sign of a small penis.”
If my rest period is a little longer, I rerack any other weights I see lying around the place.
And if someone doesn’t rerack, I ask them if they’re finished, they say yes, and I go “Well, it’s just I wasn’t sure because you left the weights there so I though you were still using it …”
God I hate people that don’t rerack.
I hate people who simply don’t put their shit away! Put it away where it belongs or don’t come to the (my) gym! SIMPLE. Also, what moron can’t figure out that a 45 plate doesn’t belong in front of a 10 pound plate? I work out in a small gym plus I admit I can be a little obsessive compulsive. So between sets I’ll even put all the collars where they belong and shit like that. Again, it all goes back to simple common courtesy.
It’s like anything else in life…if you don’t clean-up after yourself, someone else has to.
Nothing OC about putting weights back where they came from…in the correct place.
If you are trying get a routine done in a short period of time, it’s frustrating to have to move weights or search for the ones you need.
Had a guy the other day that left 12 45# plates on the leg press. I yelled across the gym “are you done here”. He just waived and said yea! (didn’t have a clue). So I yelled across the gym again “If you are strong enough to leg press 540#, then you are capable of rewracking your weights.” I’m sure he thinks I’m a bitch.
I’ve actually witnessed a trainer leave weights racked on the smith machine–which is funny in and of it’s self. Not to mention setting a “great” example for his client…freakin’ AFAA trainers.
If you’re stong enough to use all the 45 plates in the whole gym then you’re stong enough to put them away.
What is so damn hard about putting dumbells away in order of weight? I am sick of having to search for a dumbell because some dumb ass was too lazy to put it back in the proper spot.
Why is it too hard for you to put them back in the right order that you complain about the trainers telling you to do it? If you want to put the weights wherever, go build your own gym.
Now if some other jackass put the wrong one back where your dumbells go, that is one thing. I usually move them back, but really I don’t expect others to do that, but I do expect people to at least TRY to put them back in order!
[quote]KelvinL wrote:
I’m all for that. I rerack them too. But common, the exact label? WTF, all the weights aren’t even in the correct slot to begin with. [/quote]
I always re-rack my weights, but I hear what you’re saying. If the gym staff doesn’t keep the weights in order, I’m sure as hell not going to organize it for them. I simply put my weights back where I got them. If they were in the wrong spot when I got them then they will be put back in the wrong spot.
EVERY ONE should always re-rack their weights. RLTW
I always re-rack every weight I use. Sometimes I re-rack stuff I didn’t use.
I always hated that about gyms. There’s no way around it unless you have staff as vigilant as your gym’s are. I don’t know what’s wrong about expecting you to put the dumbbells back in the right slots. Would you put a 45 lb plate on top of a 25 lber (that always torqued me too)? So why would you put a 35lb DB in a 10lb DB slot? Now I work in my basement and the weights are all racked exactly how I want them - every time!
Always. It’s so annoying to have to search for weights.
As well, it just looks so nice at my gym when everything is in it’s place. I must have OCD or something.
But it’s a tiny personal studio that I work at, i wouldn’t be so keen if it was a huge commerical gym. I’m so glad I don’t have to workout at them anymore.
Rerack and do it RIGHT!
The gym I go to has signs up with a good quote:
“If you are strong enough to lift them, then you are strong enough to put them back!”
Does it work? No. There are still weights left on the ground all the time, but at least they are trying…
The most annoying thing for me is when I get to the gym at 5:30am during the week and loaded barbells are still lying around in my way from the previous night. When time is precious because I have to go to work it’s a real pain to have to re-arrange everything.