Req's Beginner Training Log

Hows it Going guys its the start of a new wk
and its time for me to start the begineer blast off program:
Little Bg on myself:
Im 19 born and raised in Louisiana
Joined Navy last yr in July
Im a corpsman staioned with marines in okinawa japan presently
when i went to bootcamp
Wt: 206 lbs
couldnt do a pullup(i never did these with navy but now that im with marines they do them all the time)
did 54 situps(2mins)
ran a 12 16 1.5mile
Now im
WtL 182lbs
BF: 11%
1.5mil 9:43
3 mil 20:30

ive been in oki for a month now and been hitting the gym off and on with ppl i work wit and been reading articles on tmag as well
ive decided ill start one of the programs
i will update here

everyday to keep accountability on workouts and nutrition also the way i can get tips from you more experienced ppl then myself

Bf was 11 and i would like to get that down to sub 10 b4 i take leave to go home in jan
also i would like to be able by this time next yr to reach the max score on the pft(physical fitness test) which would be
pullups 20
3 mil 18 00
situps 100
Besides from that workout plan i pt with my unit 3 times a wk which is usually us running btw 3-6 miles
As far as supplements goes i take HOT-ROX extreme 2 pills twice a day
also a quick ?
i have some dymatize elite protein should i still be taking that along with this workout plan
Will post again later today
but now its 2am on Monday and i need to sleep

Day one of the 4wk program done so 1/28
Woke up this morning
Did a Formation run for 35 mins
we also did 3 sets max pullups in stops on the run (6,4,4)
Afternoon workout(30-60 sec rest btw sets)
Dumbbell Bench Press 3x10 35’s,45’s,45’s
Dumbbell Flyes 3x10 25’s
Lying Tricep Extension (Skull crushers) 3 x 10 20’s
Abs 3 sets
Left nd Right obliquesx25(each)
flutter Kicksx25
Jack knivesx25
30 sec rest btw sets
Steam Rm 10mins
Nutrition(will come post nutrition info for food i ate later
PBJ Sandwich
20oz gatoraid
3ozpkg of Tuna-190cal