Can anyone tell me if I can order this book through chapters or do I need to order it off the renegade web site. Also, is there any benefit to getting a personalized program or will most issues be covered in the book. It looks like the city in which I live is going to have a football team entered into the national senior league, so it might be time to come out of retirement. At 35 I think I’m going to need some renegade type training for injury prevention reasons, not to mention gaining an edge over the young guys. I’ve been coaching university football for the last 8 years, so I’m excited about getting the opportunity to play with many of the guys I’ve had the pleasure of coaching over the years. However I’ll have to walk the walk now as a player instead of just talking the talk as a coach. I need an edge.
The book is a very valuable source of info. It includes hip mobility work, agility drills, sprint work, weights, med balls, stretching, and some info on abs. If you know you’re own body and don’t mind a little trial and error, then I suggest you buy the book and create your own program to tailor your own needs. That’s what I did and it’s working great.
Cool. Thanks for asking this question, magnus. Ko and I are considering a Renegade Program to supplement his MMA and my boxing training.
Coach Davies’ book is available through his website and the publisher’s, Dragondoor, website.
It is a very valuable book for clear instruction of how to do the exercises prescribed by Coach Davies. However, there is no workout in it at all. I would suggest contacting him and getting his 8 week programs. He adjusts them personally for you and is always ready to answer any of your questions! It will be the best money you ever spend and it will change your training forever.
In faith, Matt
The Renegade book for football is outstanding and one of the best books that I have ever seen on training. Coach Davies’ personalized programs are brutal and very challenging. You will either get in great shape or have to call the medics. I recommend all of his products and you will definitely get good value.
unless you are a strength and conditioning professional with some experience contact coach davies for the programs, the book doesn’t have any structured programs, so unless you have a degree in ex phys or are a very experienced certified professional then get ahold of coach