I also want to say that i’m going to be a freak no matter what. i don’t find it gross at all it’s what bodybuilding is about
just watched the vid. when he’s curling those 65/70lbs dumbells he swings/cheats. is this considered good form or not. just curious, it’s obviously not done him any harm.
[quote]alit4 wrote:
just watched the vid. when he’s curling those 65/70lbs dumbells he swings/cheats. is this considered good form or not. just curious, it’s obviously not done him any harm.[/quote]
Good form equals “works the target muscle group in priority, produces results and does not cause injury.”
I want to see someone who regularly uses that weight and more for curls who has never cheated a little to get the weight up.
Chances are, if the guy you are looking at has arms as big as your legs, it is best to refrain from assuming you need to correct them on their technique.
don’t get me wrong, i wouldn’t dream of correcting anyone full stop. the answer i was looking for you have provided thankyou.
“good form equals works the target muscle group in priority, produces results and does not cause injury”
Good grief.
In a thread about Kevin Levrone we have someone going on about his gayness or lack thereof, followed by disgust at the size of his muscles, followed by criticism of his form. Of the form of one of the all time bb greats.
This is still a bodybuilding site right?
[quote]Joe D. wrote:
Good grief.
In a thread about Kevin Levrone we have someone going on about his gayness or lack thereof, followed by disgust at the size of his muscles, followed by criticism of his form. Of the form of one of the all time bb greats.
This is still a bodybuilding site right?[/quote]
tell me about it. this is the last time I’m going to create another thread on this site, at least for awhile. I’m still going to post though, but everyone seems to be more into “how they don’t want to look,” or “how they don’t want to act,” or “how strong they don’t want to be.” Shit how about we talk about that stuff after you’ve created a decent physique. You’ll get nowhere with the majority of the bullshit attitudes I’m seeing lately on here. People think a couple sets of curls will turn them into a freak…
[quote]Joe D. wrote:
Good grief.
In a thread about Kevin Levrone we have someone going on about his gayness or lack thereof, followed by disgust at the size of his muscles, followed by criticism of his form. Of the form of one of the all time bb greats.
This is still a bodybuilding site right?[/quote]
He only puts his training belt to the 5th rung which means his waist is no less than 31 inches! What a fatass. He WAS one of my favorite bodybuilders but after seeing that I can’t even look at his name let alone watch his videos. Pathetic.
Forgot. I do agree he does seem extremely camera shy for some reason. For you thick headed ones my above post was pretty much all sarcasm.
[quote]Digity wrote:
When you’re that big it’s gross. I would never want to be that size. Does anyone?[/quote]
To put it simply, yes.
[/end thread]
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Why do people like you come onto this site? I really want to know. What are your goals?[/quote]
I was basically getting fat and I started to eat less and do cardio. I did lose some fat that way, but later realized I’d be better of putting on muscle. The thing is, I never really knew how to do it. I tried in the past, but it never went anywhere. That’s when I came across this site and started reading articles. Fortunately, the advice I got worked and I’m making much better progress than I have in the past. For the time being I’m strictly looking to change my physique…but I’m not looking to be a competitive bodybuilder or to be freaky big.
The bottom line is that most people surfing the net are in my position. Inevitably, a large majority of them are going to find this site and use the advice. If it works then they’re going to want to stick around in some form…as in the forum. I don’t see anything wrong with that. If anything, I think we should create a more supportive community rather than have a “why are you here?” attitude. If you think I’m wrong and that only people who want to be truly huge competitive bodybuilders should be on this site then check out the physique clinic. Those are all people in similar situations as me. If anything, this site is encouraging people like me to join into the community with something like the physique clinic. Anyway, I just feel like you don’t respect people who don’t have the same goals as you do. Maybe I’m wrong about that…
[quote]Digity wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Why do people like you come onto this site? I really want to know. What are your goals?
I was basically getting fat and I started to eat less and do cardio. I did lose some fat that way, but later realized I’d be better of putting on muscle. The thing is, I never really knew how to do it. I tried in the past, but it never went anywhere. That’s when I came across this site and started reading articles. Fortunately, the advice I got worked and I’m making much better progress than I have in the past. For the time being I’m strictly looking to change my physique…but I’m not looking to be a competitive bodybuilder or to be freaky big.
The bottom line is that most people surfing the net are in my position. Inevitably, a large majority of them are going to find this site and use the advice. If it works then they’re going to want to stick around in some form…as in the forum. I don’t see anything wrong with that. If anything, I think we should create a more supportive community rather than have a “why are you here?” attitude. If you think I’m wrong and that only people who want to be truly huge competitive bodybuilders should be on this site then check out the physique clinic. Those are all people in similar situations as me. If anything, this site is encouraging people like me to join into the community with something like the physique clinic. Anyway, I just feel like you don’t respect people who don’t have the same goals as you do. Maybe I’m wrong about that…[/quote]
Yes. You are wrong about that. I don’t care that you think big muscles are “gross”. This is a bodybuilding forum. Not all of us have the goal of being exactly like that, but the path to any progress IS THE FUCKING SAME. The lack of respect for those who are into bodybuilding on this site is getting pathetic.
I have no doubts your progress will be much slower than someone who isn’t focused on what they DON’T want to be.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Digity wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Why do people like you come onto this site? I really want to know. What are your goals?
I was basically getting fat and I started to eat less and do cardio. I did lose some fat that way, but later realized I’d be better of putting on muscle. The thing is, I never really knew how to do it. I tried in the past, but it never went anywhere. That’s when I came across this site and started reading articles. Fortunately, the advice I got worked and I’m making much better progress than I have in the past. For the time being I’m strictly looking to change my physique…but I’m not looking to be a competitive bodybuilder or to be freaky big.
The bottom line is that most people surfing the net are in my position. Inevitably, a large majority of them are going to find this site and use the advice. If it works then they’re going to want to stick around in some form…as in the forum. I don’t see anything wrong with that. If anything, I think we should create a more supportive community rather than have a “why are you here?” attitude. If you think I’m wrong and that only people who want to be truly huge competitive bodybuilders should be on this site then check out the physique clinic. Those are all people in similar situations as me. If anything, this site is encouraging people like me to join into the community with something like the physique clinic. Anyway, I just feel like you don’t respect people who don’t have the same goals as you do. Maybe I’m wrong about that…
Yes. You are wrong about that. I don’t care that you think big muscles are “gross”. This is a bodybuilding forum. Not all of us have the goal of being exactly like that, but the path to any progress IS THE FUCKING SAME. The lack of respect for those who are into bodybuilding on this site is getting pathetic.
I have no doubts your progress will be much slower than someone who isn’t focused on what they DON’T want to be.[/quote]
I think you’re taking me the wrong way. I’ve been at this for just two months, but it’s enough time for me to realize that getting big doesn’t happen over night and I do respect bodybuilders purely because they had to put in a ton of discipline and commitment to achieve their goals. That’s partly why I go to the gym, because I want to commit to something and become more disciplined. I respect anyone who is willing to do that and bodybuilders exemplify it.
I recently saw Pumping Iron and I thought everyone had a good physique there. With Levrone his arm muscles just seem out of proportion in the video when they were pumped. I just thought it looked weird. Anyway, I think one can respect the effort and discipline that goes into bodybuilding, but still be critical of someone’s build. I prefer some of the older, more classic bodybuilding looks that seem more natural to me.
One obvious thing I noticed about watching Kevin Levrone and Flex Wheeler Train was that they don’t Squat. And while most people should be Squatting, I respect their decision.
It’s kept their wastes small and tight while they’ve still been able to put on Quad Mass with Machine Hack Squats, Leg Presses, and Heavy Leg Curls. I think the Leg Curl gets a lot of bad flack on T-Nation. Sure, the Glute-Ham Raise is a better option but if you don’t have a Glute-Ham Raise available, then Leg-Curls are pretty much the only way you’re going to get any knee flexion work done.
There must come a point in Bodybuilding Training, pretty late in one’s carrier, where Squatting and Deadlifting compromises symmetry. Dexter Jackson only does RDLs with 225-315 but then goes off and reps 365 on bench. He’s not doing light RDLs because he’s weak. He’s just using weights that will stimulate muscle growth but won’t cause his waist to thicken.
This is one of the most recent videos of Jay Cutler I’ve seen. It’s from some out of season video. His legs aren’t as big and in another video he’s only squatting 405. But his V-taper is better and he doesn’t have the huge, bloated Abs that he and Coleman had in years past. He looks more Kevin Levrone Like (Although at Levrone’s peak I think he was the best in the history of Bodybuilding).
This threshold of needing to back off on Squatting and Deadlifting poundages has only become a recent occurrence. Arnold, Franco, and Lou were all lifting massive weights in Powerlifting Meets but it didn’t effect their symmetry in any negative way.
They again, maybe it’s Growth Hormone that’s to Blame. It wasn’t available to the 70’s Bodybuilders. Maybe Levrone and Dexter didn’t take GH and Cutler has taken it out of his routine. Lee Priest only used GH for a brief time in his routine. He can be used as positive evidence that low, controlled use of GH or no GH at all is better for symmetry than the higher doses that Ronnie and Cutler most likely used.
[quote]Digity wrote:
I think you’re taking me the wrong way. I’ve been at this for just two months, but it’s enough time for me to realize that getting big doesn’t happen over night and I do respect bodybuilders purely because they had to put in a ton of discipline and commitment to achieve their goals. That’s partly why I go to the gym, because I want to commit to something and become more disciplined. I respect anyone who is willing to do that and bodybuilders exemplify it.
I recently saw Pumping Iron and I thought everyone had a good physique there. With Levrone his arm muscles just seem out of proportion in the video when they were pumped. I just thought it looked weird. Anyway, I think one can respect the effort and discipline that goes into bodybuilding, but still be critical of someone’s build. I prefer some of the older, more classic bodybuilding looks that seem more natural to me.
I don’t think that anyone here has any problems with beginners or unexperienced trainees being on this site (though they should probably spend the majority of their time on the “Beginners” forum).
The objection is to your need to post a negative comment about Levrone’s physique being “gross” and questioning if/why anyone would actually want to look like that. Honestly that doesn’t sound too respectful to me, does it to you?
Your post pretty much sent up every red flag and exemplifies why quite a few of the vets have chosen to leave this site.
Everyone has their right to an opinion. But if you honestly think that going onto a “Bodybuilding” forum and saying negative comments about bodybuilders isn’t going to step on some people’s toes then you might want to work on building some common sense along with your body. And I mean that in the most sincere way possible.
Stay on this site, read through the forums, ask legitimate questions if need be (but use the search function first). But in the future I’d really think twice if you were going to post a comment in the Bodybuilding forum and ask yourself if your comment was in any way constructive to the conversation.
I apologize if I offended anyone. I didn’t necessarily mean it that way. Like I said, I have more of preference for the older/classic bodybuilders, which aren’t nearly as big as some of the guys today. I’ll try and be more sensitive to that in the future.
no criticism of form, just a question. if it’s good enough for the greats then it is something i will add myself.i ask so i can learn from those who know far more than me.
i don’t understand either about the sexuality or size comments, seem a bit bizare to me.
Digity, Im with you man. To me Bodybuilding has taken the same shape as the NBA, MLB, etc. Instead of guys just playing the game the way its supposed to be played, they are doing 360 dunks, raising the roof when there hitting homeruns, and in bodybuildings case, getting ridiculously big by using a ridiculous amount of steroids. Do the bodybuilders of today deserve an extra advantage that the guys back in the golden era didnt have ? I dont think so.
[quote]triple-10sets wrote:
Digity, Im with you man. To me Bodybuilding has taken the same shape as the NBA, MLB, etc. Instead of guys just playing the game the way its supposed to be played, they are doing 360 dunks, raising the roof when there hitting homeruns, and in bodybuildings case, getting ridiculously big by using a ridiculous amount of steroids. Do the bodybuilders of today deserve an extra advantage that the guys back in the golden era didnt have ? I dont think so. [/quote]
Yeah, that’s what I was trying to get at…the 'roid look vs. natural look. I have nothing against being big, but the drugs have taken it to a whole different (unnatural) level. Just like 'roids have ruined sports maybe someone could argue the same for bodybuilding. Anyway, that’s a whole different topic!
Im just one guy theres no way Im going to change the sport, it is what it is. I think its a shame that the human body cant be used the way it was intended to be, and not exploited. Maybe life is cheaper then I thought.
[quote]Digity wrote:
triple-10sets wrote:
Digity, Im with you man. To me Bodybuilding has taken the same shape as the NBA, MLB, etc. Instead of guys just playing the game the way its supposed to be played, they are doing 360 dunks, raising the roof when there hitting homeruns, and in bodybuildings case, getting ridiculously big by using a ridiculous amount of steroids. Do the bodybuilders of today deserve an extra advantage that the guys back in the golden era didnt have ? I dont think so.
Yeah, that’s what I was trying to get at…the 'roid look vs. natural look. I have nothing against being big, but the drugs have taken it to a whole different (unnatural) level. Just like 'roids have ruined sports maybe someone could argue the same for bodybuilding. Anyway, that’s a whole different topic![/quote]
Hate to burst your guys bubble, but steroids have been involved with bodybuilding for a looooong time now. The guys in “Pumping Iron” (Arnold especially) used steroids. So, you really can’t say that they have a “natural look”.
Heck, the argument could be made that every single Olympia champion could have used steroids, since they have been around since the inception of the Sandow trophy.
“Roids” haven’t ruined bodybuilding (even if you think it is ruined), the olympia judges/public demand has. Do you think that you see guys like Coleman/Cutler winning the Olympia because of the drugs that are available? Sure, that has some influence. But, the reason you see those guys winning the Olympia is because those are the guys who the Olympia Judges decide should win.
If the judges wanted to see Steve Reeves-esque physiques on the Olympia stage, then that’s what you’d see.
Drugs are ammoral (meaning without morality). The real ones to blame are those who are driving BB’ers to abuse those drugs.
If you guys like the “classic/golden era” look, then that’s fine. But don’t bring steroids into the discussion as that opens up a whole other can or worms.